"Is makes a point!" Patton yelled, his own hands forming fists at his sides.  "He is not in charge of me, his is not in charge of any of us and it is just - just mean for him to think as such!"

"Patton - he was doing what he thought was right.  Can you really be so mad at him for that?"

"Yes!" Patton said, burrowing his hands in his hair.  "Can you really NOT be mad at someone who takes away your options? Your freedom?!"

"I thought Roman was the dramatic one," I said instinctively, voice bitter, before remembering and sharply inhaling.  "Patton I -"

"Stop, Virgil.  Just - Just stop," Patton said, leaving his room and slamming the door shut behind him.

Quickly I chased after him, watching him head for the Commons.  I jogged after him, apology written on my face.  "Patton wait - " I said, setting a hand on his shoulder.

Patton quickly pulled out from under my hand, spinning to face me.  "What Virgil?"

"I'm sorry, I don't want to fight with you, Dad," I whispered, feeling the tears pressing harshly on the back of my eyes, ready to spill at any moment.

Patton softened at my expression.  "I - I don't wanna fight with you either, kiddo."

I quickly stepped forward, wrapping my arms around his stomach, resting my on his shoulder as Patton's arms quickly came behind me.

After a few moments, I pulled away.

"Hey... um, Dad?"

"Yeah, kiddo?"

"I - I think you should talk to Logan."

Patton's expression hardened.  "No."

"Please, Dad.  Take this from someone who cares about you.  Just talk to him."

"I won't," Patton said through gritted teeth.

"Why?" I finished exasperated.

"Because if I talk to Logan... I'll forgive him," Patton admitted.  "And I don't want to forgive him."

I blinked at that.  "Pat - but - like - how?" I couldn't even imagine that.

"I don't want to forgive him - that would make it seem like everything he did was okay, like it was something that didn't hurt me, and that it was something I can just pretend didn't happen and move on."

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. "Patton - it was you who said that we need to work together," I argued.

"That was before I realized that we aren't much of a together anymore."

"Pat -"

"Virgil," Patton countered, but his voice was soft and he was smiling a little.  A weak one, but genuine.  "I appreciate what you're trying to do, kiddo - I really do.  But please - from what I remember you aren't on the best of terms with Logan either.  You go and talk to him.  Get on good terms with him."

I shifted, before nodding.  "Later," I said and Patton merely nodded.

Together we walked the rest of the way to the Commons in relative silence.  But it was comfortable silence, now that we had cleared the air.

"Uh, hey?"

"Hay is for horses," Patton replied, a glimpse of a smile of his cheek and I rolled my eyes.


"That' my name, don't wear it out," Patton said, smile growing as I fought back a smile of my own.

"Morality?" I said sterner this time.


"... I love you, Dad."

"Luv ya too, kiddo," he said as we walked into the Common Room.  

Patton immediately twisted to me, looking confused.  "Kiddo... do you smell something burning?"

Both of us quickly ran into to the kitchen to find Logan, muttering curses under his breath as he pulled out a tray of... very burned cookies.

Patton softened at the sight.

Logan would only be making cookies for one reason, and one reason only.

Logan sighed, turning around and froze, seeing us standing only a couple feet away.  His eyes locked immediately on Patton and his emotions have never been so visible before.

"Um, hi," he said quietly, eyes flicking down to his shoes, shoulders rigid.  "I - I was trying my best to - to find a way to apologize and I thought - "

"I appreciate the thought, Logic," Patton said, voice so cold that I twisted to face him surprised.  "But you know that this can't be fixed just with some cookies."

Logan looked shamefully at his feet.  "Yeah," he managed.  "I - I am aware."

Patton walked over to Logan, reaching forward and gently squeezed his hand causing Logan to gasp at the unexpected contact.  "But I do appreciate that you're trying, I do."

Logan nodded slowly.

"But... you're going to have to give me some time," Patton said.  "Give me time, some space.  I'll be able to forgive you... eventually.  Can you do that for me?"

Logan nodded again, firmer this time.

Patton gently pulled away and manuevered past Logan, jumping swiftly onto the counter in one bounce.  Both of us gasped at the obvious lack of effort as Patton balanced on the small ledge, reaching into the very top of the cabinets, pulling out a small box.

He easily jumped back down - surprisingly not managed to kill himself in the process - and opened the tan colored box, and yanking something out from inside.

A... snicker-doodle cookie?

"Here," Patton said holding the cookie out to Logan,  who took it hesitantly.  Patton came and handed one to me, which I also accepted for walking out of the kitchen and into the Common Room.

Logan and I both stared at each other mystified.

"Hey, um, are we okay?" I asked finally.  "You... were pretty mad at me."

Logan sighed, adjusting his glasses slightly.  "I don't hold grudges, Virgil.  I was furious with you, but I merely needed some time to... cool off, so to speak.  So provided you are no longer upset with me, then I guess we are... as you said, 'okay.'"

I gave a small smirk at that, adjusting my hoodie.  "Yeah, it's cool."

Logan suddenly tilted his head at me.  "You aren't wearing your headphones," he observed.

I immediately tensed at that.

"Is something wrong with them? If they aren't working, I'd be more than happy to fix them," he offered.

I hesitated.

Finally I opened my mouth to respond when I was cut off from a loud yelp from Patton.

In seconds the both of us were racing over to see Patton, who hadn't made it very far, standing wide eyed in the Common Room, eyes wide and locked on -

Oh my god.

A big smile.  "Yay! It's Vee!" Ollie yelled, racing over to me and wrapping his arms around my stomach, Sparks quickly following, barking cheerfully.

Oh my god.


You guys remember him?

Sorry for the fake chapter yesterday XP. So to make up for it, I gave you guys a moderately happy one (well, happy for this book anyway) to make up for it X3

- Max :)

There's No Such Thing As Happy Endings - Book Three of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now