Chapter 21: Submission

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"I beg your pardon?" Dr. Qureshi asked.

Tessa who was usually so poised, was shaking. 

"I'm sorry I love you. That's the last thing I remember Scott saying. And then Patrick walked in and told us that we needed to fix things and poor Scott stood there afraid. And I felt so guilty because it was my fault, so I came here." Tessa flustered.

Dr. Qureshi directed her to a chair, and folded his hands together. "Tessa, I don't think your relationship with Scott is the problem."



He knew that their Stars on Ice tour would soon begin, and that they needed to be on the ice more. Before he left the house, he texted Tessa.

At the rink. 

Heretofore, skating alone had felt like a reminder of Tessa's post-op. He had spent weeks practicing alone, using bags and mops as substitutes for the love of his life. Today, he felt unencumbered by guilt. His legs became more liberated with each shuffle, as rhythm emerged from his arms. This is the sport he gave up hockey for, and maybe some day he would teach young children how too.



Patrick, her client, was trying to market his retirement.

"Maybe it's time for me to try a different sport. I have my coaching certificate as well, so teaching is also an option."

"I see. What is the message that you'd like to get across?"

"Something that doesn't portray my loss in the Olympics as a failure in my career. I know I didn't medal on my own this time, but I want to remind Canadians of who I am."

"And who is that?"

"A strong, male athlete with many ambitions. But also that my masculinity is not defined by my sport. I didn't pursue hockey because I wanted to be a performer, and now I'd like to tell my story in a new way."

She pulled out her drawing board, as Patrick watched the news. A familiar woman was projected on the screen. 

"Last time we spoke to you, we were informed that there was more to Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir's story. The pair has not confirmed or denied the story, why do you think that is?"

"Honest people have no trouble denying gossip. For instance, if you asked me if I was in a relationship with...Alexei Tchetverukhin, I say no. Problem is, Tessa and Scott did not say no. Which means it's complicated. You know people make big deal about it being so complicated. Complicated means yes, they are a couple. See? Simple."

"So you're telling us that they're trying to buy time?"

"For a big announcement, yes."

"And how did you know that they were a couple?"

"I'm going to tell this to everyone who is watching - just look at Tessa's eyes. Look how she watch Scott." [Imitates a fluttering of eyelashes, and a long stare at the interviewer.] "You see? It's so obvious. And then they don't skate to the romantic songs. No, it's that song about-"

"I'm pretty sure they get the idea. Now tell us what it was like coaching young stars like Maia and Alex Shibutani..."


Scott had finished his third round of twizzles when he finally decided to take a break. Opening his phone, he saw missed calls from both Persephone and Chiddy.


Dr. Qureshi

After numerous tests, the results were clear. He turned to Ms. Virtue and broke the news,

"Your need to have control in situations reflects your current state. Marina announcing your secret caused you great grief, it still does. As a result, you find it difficult to trust yourself around your husband. General psychotherapy can help you come to terms with situations that make you feel trapped. We will spend the next several sessions working on those strategies. If you would like the diagnosis for this, you are suffering from two mental illnesses. According to my evaluations, you have Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I apologise that we did not discover this sooner in your therapy."


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