Chapter 15: Direction

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Dr. Qureshi was a man of small frame and soft, light brown eyes. After Tessa' initial surgery, Dr. Qureshi had helped mend her relationship with Scott. Over time, he became an ally and close friend, and they every so often visited one another. In his office, he was Dr. Qureshi, but outside of work he was known as Salih. His two children were slightly younger than Tessa, and the entire family had become well-acquainted. So on the Monday morning that Tessa and Scott walked into his office, the old friends greeted each other with welcome smiles as they all sat down.

"Tessa and Scott, usually I would say that it is a pleasure to see you. However, under the circumstance that I meet you here in my office, all I can say is that I have been expecting you." He said, sympathetic but eager to listen.

Scott nodded, "I see that Persephone has kept you informed."

"It was that as well, but I was alarmed when news of Marina surfaced."

"Surely a name you know neither of us anticipated to discuss ever again."

"And yet we must, because surely her actions have always left their mark. But I know that is not the only reason that you are here."

Tessa shifted in her seat, silent. 

They had spent their last few days in South Korea apart. Scott journeyed with the Skate Canada team, while Tessa lounged with an old roommate at various cafes. While this does not mean that they were not on speaking terms, they were certainly less attached by-the-hip.

This judgement was not beyond Dr. Qureshi's observations, but he waited for Scott to recognise the same change. 

"I'm sure you --- I mean we , um, are sure that you remember the strife of 2008. You have supported our journey for longer than most have. And we find ourselves drifting into those same patterns that plagued our relationship in the earlier years," Scott began.

Dr. Qureshi scanned his old notes.

Lack of contact. Dishonesty. Silence. Disconnection. Scott seeming more boisterous than usual. Tessa used to be the more affectionate one, but never felt like she could compete with Scott's fiery nature. His temper shut her down, until eventually he became the hopeless romantic.

"And how would you describe your relationship right now?" Dr. Qureshi asked.

"A marriage," Tessa spouted. 

It's a lot of work. Difficult.

"And what is it that you have inside this marriage?"

There was a brief silence. Not long, but distinct. The clock in the room was the only sound that was heard. It was quiet outside, the clouds began to cover the sunlight. Scott inhaled sharply, as Tessa answered the question. 

"I don't know."


Without ice dance, who are Tessa and Scott? Without their careers and with Marina's plot, can they go on together? Thank you for reading, let me know what you think, and as always - your sleuthing is always welcome in the fandom.


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