Chapter 1: Introduction

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Author's Note: I have followed Tessa and Scott's journey for over 8 years, and have always been drawn into their captivating energy. While I don't personally know the figure skaters, I'd like to quench my inescapable desire to understand the artists we see on the ice. The people who within minutes, are able to elude to a romance perhaps very few have seen. Whether you love to watch these beautiful humans grace the ice, or if you can't quite wrap your head around the sensation, I hope this will provide some sort of closure. I don't claim to know Tessa, Scott, or their loved ones. As a detective, I yearn to answer the complexity of their remarkable relationship, one that has lasted longer than many marriages, partnerships, and friendships. Without further ado, I present Virtue Moir, Canada's beloved sweethearts.


PyeongChang 2018. Their last Olympics together.    

Silence from you is the most terrible sound I know.

Scott held onto Tessa before their free dance. As he felt their heartbeats synchronise, his hands lead him to the small of her back. He felt her muscles release, as his fingers tingled. People had always said magic didn't exist, but who could explain the connection he felt when he lay his eyes on the most ethereal woman he knew?

Tessa knew this would be their final skate as winter Olympians. This was their last pre-skate hug, the last time he would tell her that they were together. This was their goodbye to the world, and while she knew nothing but this, she couldn't think about the future right now. There would be no mistakes, she couldn't do that to Scott.

"I love you," he said, as her eyes sparkled like the night sky. 

"I know," she said, as they took the stage.

Tessa stood across the ice from Scott, in her maroon dress. Before the music for Moulin Rouge began, he took one long glance at her. The remarkable woman in front of him was why he was here 20 years later, still dancing the night away. 

His right arm slid across her bare back, as he took the lead. They whispered the lyrics of Roxanne to one another, between sultry gazes and stolen glances.

 "You're free to leave me but
Just don't deceive me!
...and please believe me when I say
I love you!"

Scott lifted Tessa as she acrobatically flew into the air and into his strong arms. She cupped his face between her hands, as she curled her legs around his neck. They had been advised by the Olympic committee to subdue their lift, as it was deemed too risqué for a general audience. Crowds began to cheer behind them, but they took no notice, as Scott dipped Tessa. Their faces drew near and then apart again, as Scott took Tessa's hand and spun her around the ice. She laced her arms around his lower back, and they continued to glide across the stadium. 


Applause echoed through the stadium, as Scott buried his face into Tessa's shoulder, and then lifted her into another embrace. He stroked her hair, repeating, "We did it!" Tessa laughed, as he kissed her cheek. They gracefully bowed and headed to the kiss and cry, where they waited for their scores. 


 And that was the moment they became the most decorated figure skaters in Olympic history. Scott had longed to hear Tessa cry and laugh at the same time, and there it was, like celestial bells that rang to awaken the sun for duty. Much like the night, she lead him to new horizons. Her beauty made him forget that he had ever aged, and 20 years later, their story was yet the same. 

Their coaches, Marie-France Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon, congratulated them on their 5th Olympic medal. Patrice warned them that today would be a busy day, lined up with back-to-back interviews.

"There's someone we need to talk to first," Scott announced, as he lead Tessa out of the public eye. 


Up next: angst to come. Thank you for reading, and please leave your comments below and let me know what you think! You can check out more of my tragic, angsty work on my profile (more VM included). 

For more of the fun, you can find me here:

Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir - Silence and SoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon