Chapter Twelve

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My heart feels like it's about to beat free from my chest as I hear his deep voice coming through Lucs lips those cold eyes trapping me in there penetrating gaze as he slowly takes me in. Dante moves quickly behind me and pulls me against him moving me further away from the possessed body that snarls in fury.
"Adelfós! Take your Fucking hands off her she belongs to ME!" I yelp in fear at the Demonic voice that rips through Lucs mouth thankful for the strong hands holding me up as my legs feel like they're going to collapse at any moment. Dante edges us back slowly towards the open door Mammon's dark gaze following every step, we both freeze as he begins shaking with laughter the chains rattling noisily as his body rocks back and forth.
"Little Rosie do you even know whose arms you're in?" Mammon asks in a silky voice. "I think not as if you did you would be running a fucking mile."
I cry out when I hear the chains snap and the monster puppeteering Lucs body lands delicately on his feet, Dante spins me around and pushes me through the doorway yelling at me to run back upstairs. Feeling torn I'm about to bolt when that twisted voice calls out to me and his words have me feeling sick to my very soul.
"Let me introduce you to my Brother sweet Rose, his name is... Asmodeus... ruler of the second circle of Hell...the King of Lust."
I stumble back like I've been physically hit, shock reverberating around every corner of my being as I stare up into those crystal silver eyes that have darkened with an emotion I can't place, at the sound of Mammon's joyous bark of laughter I scrabble towards the end of the corridor and fling myself up the steps never once looking back. I make it through the kitchen and back through the hallways until I make it to the entrance where I throw myself at the front door tears blurring my vision as I try and pull it open with shaking hands.
"You promised not to run from me Rose."
The breath locks in my chest at the sound of his voice and I scratch uselessly at the door still trying to escape when I feel him behind me his warm breath on my neck, closing my eyes I pull at my magic but before I can utter a word he has spun me round and placed a warm hand against my mouth. I keep my eyes closed as I can't face the pain of looking into his beautiful face and knowing that this man isn't Dante he is someone else, a stranger.
"Listen to me love, I know your fucking pissed I get it... you think that I've betrayed you by not telling you who I truly am but there is a reason for it and when you're ready to listen I will answer every question you have, but I beg of you Rose don't run from me not let that fucking prick get inside your head it's what he fucking wants!"
I open my eyes and find myself trapped gazing into his burning silver ones and gulp at the emotion I see swimming there, I nod my head slowly and he sighs resting his forehead against mine and gently removes his hand from my mouth letting his fingers trail across my lips delicately and I try to ignore the tingling his touch creates.
"I need to go back down there Rose to make sure Mammon has left the boy's body but I will be back as soon as I can, go upstairs and wait for me and we will discuss everything when I return."
I nod my head again the power of speech seeming impossible after the shock I'd just had when he calls his sister and she rushes out of the doorway on my right and flings herself at me, wrapping her slim arms around me and pulling me into a tight hug.
"By the Gods I've been worried sick! Are you ok Rose? Are you hurt?" She pulls away taking in my shell shocked face and grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs back towards the rooms I've been staying in and I just seem to float behind her wrapped in my own mind, replaying every awful moment of the time downstairs in the cells. We enter the now familiar sitting room and she pushes me towards the couch where I drop down heavily my shoulders slump down like they're carrying the weight of the world on them.
"Rose here drink this honey." Lilly hands me a large glass of white wine which I guzzle gratefully and feel myself relax slightly not realizing how tense my body was, I smile slightly as Lilly refills my glass knowing that she should just hand me the damn bottle instead.
"Are you alright? "
"Honestly Lilly not even a little bit... that was just...just...too much to handle." I swipe angrily at the stupid tears that fall uselessly down my face and feel adrift, flailing in a wave of loss as I remember the man I once called friend. "How did I not know what Luc was truly like? To hear him speak like that...By the Gods! To finally hear him for the mad man he was just turns my stomach! I loved him like a brother and I never thought- "I let the heart wrenching sobs take over and cry for the man I once knew, knowing that the level of betrayal would be something I could never get over.
Twisting the moonstone ring around my finger I feel calmer, the scent of jasmine wrapping itself around me makes my pain ebb away slightly allowing me to think past the horror for a moment and I realize that Luc wasn't the only one who had lied, Dante had too.
"I can't trust anyone... I've been lied to my whole life and these last few days have made me realize that I would be better off on my own."
"Rose you can't! Please it is too dangerous for you out there without protection just stay with us and we can keep you safe-"
"No Lilly you can't! I know who your Brother really is and I know the offer Hecate made to the Kings so how the Hell would I be safe here?"
Lilly stares at me worry swimming in her eyes but I know that I'm right I can't stay here knowing who her Brother is and why he wants me to stay here... No, this time I'm on my own.

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