Chapter Eleven

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After five minutes of hyperventilating I finally calm down enough to think and know that no matter what I will do anything to save Luc, with that in mind I close my eyes and lean back in the chair focusing on the power that has always been inside of me and I puff out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding when it leaps up to greet me.

"Invisibilia" I whisper the Latin word for invisibility and feel my magic wrap around me gently, heading for the door I glance back at the mirror smiling when there is nothing but the room reflected back at me. I open the bedroom door and step out quietly into the sitting room thankful that no-one is around, I slink through the next door and find myself back in the hallway and tiptoe quietly over the cold marble floor until I reach the large staircase were I freeze as two guards are walking towards me deep in conversation I fling myself against the wall as they step ever closer.

"Can you believe this shit? Finally caught one of those Witches and we have to miss out on the interrogation to babysit the Lords Bitch!"

"Yeah but have you seen her? Hot doesn't begin to cover it and the scent she gives off fucking hell... when we went to that motel I was ready to kill just to get a taste of that sweet ass!"

I stare in disgust as they walk past fighting the urge to run over and smack them and instead close my eyes and concentrate on finding Luc. "Inveniet Lucas" I whisper releasing my magic and letting it lead the way to Lucas, it pulls me down the winding staircase then left through more corridors and I keep having to pause as more and more guards seem to be down here. Keeping my panic under wraps I follow the spell until I reach the kitchen and my mouth hangs open at the sleek modern design but before I can look around properly the spell pulls me again, harder this time and I follow it until I reach an open door with steps leading further down, so taking a deep breath I push myself further until I'm standing in a dimly lit corridor surrounded by cold grey stone walls. A shiver of fear skims down my spine as I hear raised voices and make myself move towards the door just a bit further ahead, as I peer into the room I gasp in horror at the sight before me. Lucas is chained from the stone ceiling his poor abused body hanging limply from his wrists blood and sweat gleaming on his naked chest as his tormentor circles round him. I nearly cry out when I see Dante's beautiful face glaring at Luc with a barely concealed disgust as he watches him.

"Pitiful...fucking pitiful!" Dante spits out as he faces Luc again and I clamp a hand over my mouth to keep the scream that's building from seeing poor Lucs battered face, his left eye has completely swelled over, his bottom lip has a nasty split that keeps spilling drops of blood down his chin and he winces in pain as he looks the Demon in the face.

"I told you I didn't know! I never knew of their plans...By the Gods...if I knew

they were working with him this whole time I would never of-"

"Never would of what Witch? Befriended her? Lied to her all these years? Let her think she killed her parents? WHAT?" Dante roars in his demonic voice and the very foundations shake with his anger and I watch as Luc hangs his head in defeat. "You are a fool boy! Do you think I would believe your lies? You were ordered to keep close to her to make sure the spell that syphoned her powers was always running so that your greedy Coven could Feed from her! I know everything BOY!" Dante stalks closer to Luc his power thickening through the room as his rage grows.

"I know how you fantasized about taking her innocence many, many times... how you would look upon her body and wish that you could have it under you but the threat from your Elders held you back! They told you she belonged to another, that she was to remain pure until his return you knew who they spoke of boy didn't you?"

" I..."

"I have fed from you boy, I have tasted every urge; every sick perverted desire you have felt towards her so do not believe you can keep lying to me because I already know the truth!" Luc raises his head a cruel smile across his lips as he eyes Dante his tawny gaze blazing with dark delight.

"Ah but you would know all about twisted desires when it comes to our little Rosebud wouldn't you your Highness? Those cherry red lips begging to be tasted, that creamy skin that looks good enough to lick and bite those bountiful breasts-"Dante slams his fist into Lucs mouth his growl of anger drowned out from Lucs twisted laughter.

"Oh yes my Lord I think you know very well what I'm talking about... I know someone else who suffers from the same infatuation he could barely contain his rage when you had taken her from us. Hecate made us keep her close all these years until Mammon was strong enough to return for her after that Bitch Nyx banished him back to Hell but as you know the King of Greed will never give up in what he wants and wants no other to have!"

I slide down the wall gazing on in horror at the man who I once loved like a brother to see this stranger in his place made me want to scream in rage. Suddenly his eyes seem to find me in the dark and his smile grows, a manic light shining in his gaze and he begins laughing again sounding utterly delighted in his discovery.

"Come out, come out wherever you are! Come on Rosebud don't be shy! Come and join the party!"

I pull myself shakily to my feet and step forward into the light watching Dante's eyes widen in surprise at my approach, I stop a few feet from them trying to hide my terror at the monster in the body of my best friend.

"Well, well don't you look good enough to eat Rosebud and that scent...Mmmmm... I'm getting hard just looking at you!"

"ENOUGH WITCH!" Dante booms out anger tightening his handsome face as he glares down at Luc who still watches me with his manic lust filled gaze.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to resist coming to help me when I gave you those puppy dog eyes must be that pure soul of yours."

"Why Luc? Why did you even want me here?"

"Oh Rosie it wasn't me who wanted you here..." I swallow down a scream as his eyes change to the sinister black obsidian from my nightmares. "I DID!"

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