Chapter Seven

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My head spins as his words hit me...Brother?

"Listen to me Rose it's not what you think- "

I'm weak from the feed and as my panic rises I think furiously of how to get away from him, there is no freaking way I am letting him hand me over to his psycho Brother so I kick out and knee him in the balls and he crumples at my feet moaning in pain.

"Fuck... Rose..."

"I was beginning to trust you... by the Gods I'm an idiot!"

I rush out of the bedroom, skidding across the marble floor through the sitting room and race down the hallway towards the stairs and breathe a sigh of relief when there are no signs of anyone else. As I near the front door I notice a rack with car keys hanging from it and snatch a set and head outside, clicking the button I hear a beep from the row of parked cars and run over to the silver Audi and throw myself inside. I can feel him coming, his anger licking across my skin and I force the key in and let out a shaky breath as the car rumbles to life and ram my foot on the pedal, shooting forward. There are shouts of alarm and I see Demons appear on the gravel path in front of me and I floor it not caring if I hit them and they dive out of the way. Speeding towards the double gates I begin to panic wondering if they open automatically or if I'm going to have to crash through them when they slowly start shuddering open, sucking in a breath I floor it and wince when the screech of metal hits my ears.

I let out a relieved laugh as I hit the open road and think furiously about where the heck I'm going to go. I have no freaking idea where I am, no money and no-one who I can go to for help. Well shit! Racing down the deserted country lane I notice how dense the trees are, only allowing a weak trickle of sunlight through making it hard to see. I finally break through the cover of trees onto a main road and carefully nose into the oncoming traffic and look around trying to get my bearings and spy a road sign that welcomes me to a village named Hayle. Checking the mirrors, I don't think anyone is following me and relax slightly into the comfortable leather seat and as I stop at a red light I quickly rummage through the front console and can't help my yip of excitement when I find a wallet and mobile phone, opening the wallet I find at least four hundred pounds and some loose change as well as credit cards and I read the name Mr. R L Iannos and thank him silently for leaving it in the car.

I jump when the phone starts ringing, it's jingle playing through the car speakers and look at the center console and see the words 'Boss man... calling' flashing across the screen. Nope not answering that! The incessant ringing is slowly driving insane when a computerized voice informs me that I have text message and would I like to read it, with a sigh I mutter a yes and the voice reads out;

"What did I tell you about running? May the Gods help you when I get my hands on you Rose!"

I bite my lip as the robotic voice finishes shaking slightly at the thought of him finding me, a kick in the balls would probably piss most guys off but being a Demon Lord I think more than his balls are bruised at the moment.

Smothering a yawn, I try and fight the exhaustion creeping over me as the adrenaline wears off from running for my life and the Feed, I need to find somewhere to hide the car and lay my head down for a few hours until I can figure out what to do next. I spy a rundown motel a few miles outside of Hayle and pull into the car park relaxing slightly when I turn the engine off. Rubbing a tired hand over my face I quickly realize I'm in a bloody nightdress with no shoes or coat, turning in my seat I glace around the back seats and find a long black wool coat and quickly throw it on. Grabbing the money, phone and keys I head towards the manager's office and push the door open and wince at the smell of stale cigarettes and body odor, ringing the bell a grumbling overweight man bustles out from behind the counter and glares at me.

"Whaddaya want?"

"Erm... I want to rent a room for the night please." His weasley eyes peer down at me and I can't help the roll of revulsion that turns my stomach as he looks me over slowly.

"Fifty quid cash for the night love just sign here." He hands me a pen and I right 'Miss Smith' and he just smirks down at me as he hands me a key with a number 4 etched onto it. "Right then 'Miss Smith' you're in room number four, if you have any other...ahem...'guests' just keep the noise down would ya."

I glare at him with distaste as he wiggles his eyebrows up and down and storm out of the office face burning with embarrassment, jeez he thinks I'm a bloody prostitute! I find the room and open the door and wrinkle my nose in disgust at the dingy décor, threadbare carpets and moth eaten green curtains greet me as I walk in and I carefully sit on the rickety double bed letting my shoulders slump in relief.  Okay so it's not the Ritz or anything but it will do for the time being, no-one knows where I am and I can feel the tension ease from my tight muscles at the thought, shrugging out of the coat I pull the phone from the pocket and see fifty-six missed calls, voice mails and text messages and roll my eyes as they are all from 'Boss Man'.  Throwing the phone back down on the bed I stare up at the moldy ceiling as I try and think about what to do next but my minds a blank as all the events of the past few days' replay through my head. Lying on my side I give into the uncontrollable sobs that burst from my chest, waves of misery crashing through me and at this very moment I have never felt more alone.

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