Chapter Ten

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We make the rest of the journey in silence as I don't think anything but a scream would pass from my lips and we finally pull up to the mansion. I step out of the car not even feeling the cold wind whip across my body as I trudge slowly towards the front door Dante hovering close behind me. I still have so many unanswered questions but literally couldn't bear the thought of any more emotional shrapnel ripping through my fragile mind and just let myself be lead through the house, my hand clasped tightly in Dante's much larger one.
Stepping into the sitting room from earlier Dante looks around then shakes his head and pulls me into the bedroom walking past the massive bed with the red silky sheets just begging me to lay on them but he continues pulling me forward until he pushes open a large door and we enter a massive bathroom, soft lights send a warm glow over the crystal fittings and I can't hold back my gasp of awe at the beautiful black marble bath that looks like something Cleopatra would of bathed in, the heated water looking warm and inviting and I almost moan in pleasure at the thought of soaking my tired body in its depths.

"Come on love let's get you in the bath, I will have some fresh clothes brought up for you and some food then you can rest, we can continue our talk in the morning ok?" His deep voice rumbles in the quiet of the bathroom but I can barely hear him through the fog rolling around my mind, with a growl of frustration he stalks over and spins me roughly round until I'm staring in to a pair of silver pools glowing with some hidden emotion.

"For fucks sake Rose snap out of it! I know you've had more shit thrown at you in the past few days than most people would endure in a life time but you need to snap out of the pity party and come back to me!"

I feel a spark of anger flare up inside me as his words slam home and I fight my way through the clouds trapping me inside of my head and without thinking I launch myself at him like some sort of wild cat, screaming profanities at him like a sailor and he laughs... he bloody laughs! He pulls me against him lifting me by the legs and wrapping them around his waist a cocky smile on his face.

"What did I tell you about those claws kitten? My but you do have a wicked temper... very passionate...I wonder what you'd be like in my b-"My fist connected with his granite jaw which left him cursing and me yelping at my now bruised hand.

"You are such a Dick! You think that I can just accept all this shit? My whole life has been a LIE! I have no idea how I'm supposed to process any of this and you-"

Hot lips crash against mine and I gasp in surprise, taking advantage of my open mouth he deepens the kiss his velvety tongue stroking against my own and I can't help the moan that slips out. Large hands run up my thighs until they reach the curve of my ass and press me closer into his impressive errection and I can't help the whimper that escapes me, the scent of sandalwood hits my nose and Gods help me if it didn't turn me on more as I kiss him back with a passion making him groan against my lips.

"My Lord I have news...Oh! -"

Like a bucket of cold water had been thrown over me I pull myself out of his arms at the sound of Alikas voice and scramble as fast as my trembling legs would take me, letting out a growl as I move further away from him he turns suddenly towards Alika who is still standing in the doorway a dumbfounded look planted on his face.

"What is it Alika?"

"We have the boy my Lord as you requested, I um... you told me to tell you as soon as he arrived."

"Ah yes, thank you Alika... I will be down shortly."

I gulp as those silver eyes find me again full of heat and hunger tracing over my face slowly as if committing my features to memory.

"You are truly an infuriating creature, one who tempts a man with that wicked mouth of yours! Unfortunately, I must go Rose but believe me when I say this 'discussion' is far from over."

With one last burning glance he leaves and I slump against the cold marble my emotions swimming as I continue to stare at the empty space where he had been standing. Seriously what is wrong with me? The guy has me practically frothing at the mouth one minute and the next I want him to rip the clothes from my body and let him consume me... By the Gods I have issues!
Stripping out of my clothes I step into the scented water and sigh as the warmth cocoons my body allowing myself to relax for the first time in days, laying my head against the marble side I think about the shocking revelations from my conversation with Dante. My parents where my Guardians picked by Nyx herself who just so happens to be my biological mother... shit, this is crazy! My psychotic Aunt wanted to hand me over to bloody Kings of Hell for what? More power? Revenge? I still find it hard to accept that I'm supposed to be anything other than a Witch now I'm supposed to believe I'm the bloody offspring of a Goddess!?
Pulling myself regretfully out the water as the skin on my fingers have begun to resemble shriveled up prunes, I grab a large towel and wrap it securely around my body then pad quietly into the bedroom looking around as if seeing it for the first time, the room is truly breathtaking like some kind of carnal den were all of your deepest darkest desires would be within your grasp. Your gaze was automatically drawn to the large bed the red and black silks looking sinfully inviting, as I walk closer I notice thick silver chains with leather cuffs attached and I blush as red as the sheets trying to not think of my encounter of being trapped within similar chains.
I spy the neatly folded baby blue nightdress and quickly slip it over my naked body feeling the silk slide against my skin as gentle as a lover's caress, shivering I sit down at the dressing table and stare at my reflection in the mirror. Black curls frame my pale face, lips looking puffy and swollen and I blush slightly at the memory of Dante's kiss as I look closer I notice my eyes have begun to glow, my iris's which were usually violet in colour suddenly had silver streaks shining through them giving them a definite otherworldly look. As I continue to stare into the mirror my reflection starts to disappear and in its place a new face emerges, familiar amber eyes stare back at me his handsome face looking battered and bruised, blood trickles slowly from his nose and I gaze back in shock.


"Rosebud..." His broken plea brings tears to my eyes.

"Luc? Where are you?! What's happening!"

"I needed to see you one last time Rose... I just...I'm so fucking sorry." Tears shine in his eyes and I move closer seeing my Luc looking back at me. "I know now that the Coven lied and you don't deserve the fate that is waiting... I love you Rosebud..."

Luc disappears from the reflection his scream of agony ringing in my ears as I frantically call out to him begging him to hold on as the fog rolls through the glass again and I'm left staring into my own wide eyes. By the Gods! Standing up on shaky legs I back away from the dressing table eyes never leaving the glass, to my horror letters start appearing as if they had been written with blood, bleeding together slowly they spell out where Luc is...he's the cells!

Darkness Awakens ( Darkness Series book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang