Chapter Four

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"My Lord! My Lord!" A panicked voice shouts outside the door and Dante moves with such speed that I can't help the gasp that escapes me.

"What is it Alika? What's wrong?" The Demon races through the door fear etched into haggard lines on his face.

"My Lord you must come straight away it's Lady Lilly-"

No sooner had he said this Dante disappeared, Alika running off behind him as I sit there dumbfounded at the speed in which things had happened, worry settles in my gut thinking about Lilly and I hope that she's going to be alright.

The door swings open suddenly causing me to jump up from the bed and a blonde haired demon comes rushing in, sweat dripping down his face as he looks at me.

"Miss Cross you need to come with me it's not safe for you here."

"Did Dante... I mean did Lord Erebus send you? Is Lilly-"

"Please Miss Cross there isn't any time! You must come with me now!"

Heart thumping in my chest I run towards him and he grabs my hand in his cold clammy one and pulls me through the door, the sound of fighting echoes through the house and fear rolls through me, is it the Coven? Have they come for me?

"I'll have to carry you... he'll kill me if we don't make it out of here." With that he pulls me roughly into his arms and moves so quick that tears sting my eyes. We race down the hallway and descend the winding staircase to find bodies scattered across the floor, blood flowing in crimson rivers across the white marble tiles and I have to swallow down a scream at the brutality. As we race towards the open doors that lead out into the night a bellowing roar shakes the foundations and the arms that hold me tighten painfully around me.

"Shit! He knows your missing! Fucking Erebus!"

I realise with dawning horror that I've made a huge mistake this Demon wasn't here to help me he was taking me away from safety, I struggle in his hold bucking my body as much as I can when we crash through the open doors and into the night.

"DANTE!" I scream as we rush down the stone steps racing across the grass the mansion getting further and further away. I try and reach for my magic but there isn't even a flicker and I remember the bloody bracelet Dante had clasped around my wrist, there was no way I could remove it as it's spelled against the wearer.

We come to a wooded area the Demon racing through the trees and with each passing second fear tightens my heart as we get further away. Stopping suddenly the Demon throws me to the floor, brambles and stones cutting and scraping my bare skin until I finally land in a heap at the base of a tree. Cursing under my breath I pull myself up slowly, cautiously keeping my eyes on the blonde Demon who just stands a few feet away when a hooded figure appears, the power that oozes from it making it hard to breathe and the blonde Demon drops to his knees.

"My Master...I have the girl as you asked but Erebus is not far behind-" A Clawed hand shoots forward and grasps the demon by the neck and pulls him up slowly, blood splashing quietly to the woodland floor.

"You are a fool boy, I told you to kill him and his bitch of a sister and yet they both live! Such a shame you failed me..."

"Bu..but Master I brought you the" I choke back a scream as those sharp claws rip through his throat tearing through the soft tissue like paper, blood pouring wetly from the gaping wound as he slumps to the floor his eyes growing vacant as death comes for him. Scrambling to my feet I pick up a branch and hold it out in front of me like a makeshift sword my back pressed firmly against the tree as I watch the hooded figure prowl closer.

"My but haven't you grown..." A deep masculine voice rumbles from the figure in front of me. "The last time I saw you, you were only a child, your terrified screams have haunted my dreams for almost ten years I can only imagine how delicious they'd be now." I freeze in terror at his words knowing that I was finally face to face with the monster that killed my parents.

"Stay the fuck away from me! Don't come any closer!" I scream at him tightening my grip on the branch as my hands begin to sweat, his deep throaty laugh making me jump in fright.

"I can feel Erebus coming so we will have to cut the introductions short for now but there will be plenty of time for that later in a more... intimate setting." I shudder in disgust not wanting this thing to come anywhere near me, pushing myself off the tree I make my way to the left edging away from him hoping that he wouldn't notice me backing away.

"Ahhh...yes... run Rosalie, I love it when they run!"

With that I spin around my feet pounding the forest floor as I run, branches scraping my face and arms as I will my body to move faster and faster. Blood trickles down my cheek, all the little cuts stinging as I desperately try and find a way out, a way to escape. Mocking laughter seems to echo through the darkness and my heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest as I feel his dark presence behind me.

"I can smell your fear! It's fucking intoxicating..."

He sounds so close and my panic rises as I know that I can't keep running like this forever, I can already feel my limbs burning with the effort, if I ever make it out of this alive I swear to the Goddess I will go to the bloody gym every day.

I can't hold back a scream of terror as a hard body crashes into me pinning me to the floor, the sadistic laughter and the hot breath on the back of my neck sends ice through my veins.

"Now wasn't that fun? Really gets the juices flowing." I bite down on my lip to hold in a scream as he grinds his erection into my behind knowing that he would just get off on my fear. Fighting off my revulsion I think furiously for an idea so I can get away from him and realise I still have the sharp jagged branch clutched tightly in my hand, as he moves towards my neck again I throw my arm back with as much force as I can and manage to plunge it deep into his face. I scramble quickly away from him as he reels back roaring in pain and I manage to dive back through the trees, tears blinding me as I run.

I see lights in the distance and push my body harder knowing that I'm heading back towards the mansion, a tingle of hope blooms through my chest as it gets closer and closer, I hear branches snapping behind me and nearly falter when a dark voice whispers through my mind.

"Naughty girl, that hurt... Erebus is too close but I will find you again... you've just wet my appetite for more... see you soon my Dark Goddess..."

I feel the dark presence recede and I collapse to my knees as I finally break through the woods onto the soft grass and see Dante and Alika running towards me, exhausted, scared and hurt I look up towards the beautiful night sky thanking the Gods above that I got away.

Darkness Awakens ( Darkness Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now