Chapter Eight

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The rooms dark when I open my eyes, feeling groggy I hunt for the mobile phone I threw on the bed earlier and blink blurrily at the screen, I've slept for around six hours. Pulling myself stiffly up from the bed my head spins and I have to fight back a wave of nausea, my body feels like it's on fire, a fine layer of sweat clinging to my skin. Shivering I pour myself a glass of water and sip it slowly praying I keep it down, thinking back I realize the last thing I had eaten was the coffee and bagels over a day ago, I recall seeing a vending machine just a few doors down so grab the change from the wallet and slip outside into the night. The cool air feels like heaven against my heated skin and I walk unsteadily, using the wall for support as I slowly make my way towards the blinking lights of the vending machine.
I freeze when the door to the office swings open and the manager steps out his eyes landing on me and I curse when I realize I have the thin nightdress on and nothing else, his lecherous gaze making my stomach roll.
"Hiya love, what are you up too? Looking for some company?" He calls out and begins walking closer, I feel so weak that I slump against the wall and my heart races as he blocks me in.
"No... NO! I just came to use the vending machine..." I manage to stutter out sweat dripping down my spine as I fight the need to pass out.
"If ya hungry babe I've got something ya can chew on." I retch when he grabs himself and try to move but he slams his grubby hands beside my head trapping me in place. "Now, now baby where do you think you're running off too?"
I scream when he roughly places his mouth on mine and feel his grubby hands pawing my body, tears streaking down my face when his weight is suddenly gone and I slide down the wall, hearing his agonized scream I look up and gasp in shock as I see Dante in all his Demonic glory. Great leathery black wings spread wide from his back, his fangs sharp and dangerous flash wickedly in the night and his clawed hands rip into the man with fury, bellowing with rage he swipes his hand through the manager's chest and with a ripping sound pulls his heart out and I can't help retching at the sight. The body slips to the floor with a thud and the Demon Lord roars his anger out to the heavens as I feebly try and crawl away.
"STOP!" I freeze at the guttural voice and close my eyes as he moves closer, the immense power emanating from him smothering me, feeling him beside me I roll onto my back too weak to stand and face him as the fever burns uncontrollably through me, my skin tingles as Dante looks down at me his features back to his usual perfection, those silver orbs blazing with fire.
"What room is yours?"
Picking me up into his arms he carries me back towards the motel room and places me down gently on the bed and I moan as the throbbing heat flares again sending waves of need through me.
"Oh fucking hell!"
I blink slowly at him and his face looks strained as he looks at me, he moves back and sits in the armchair by the window sucking in deep breaths, pulling a sleek mobile phone from his jacket he speaks in rapid Greek and then runs a hand through his hair watching me warily as I writhe on the bed.
" me?"
"The Awakening, your body is getting ready for your transition but now is not the fucking time! You need to just ride it out for now can you do that for me Pet?"
"Dante... I ache... please... I!"I moan loudly as another wave of heat burns along my skin, a low groan comes from Dante as if he can feel it too and it only makes me ache more.
"Gamíseis! Rose you don't know what you're asking! It's taking everything within me to stop myself coming over there and spreading those pale thighs and burying myself so deep within you-" A knock sounds on the door and he shoots up to open it, relief on his face and Lilly comes running in a shocked gasp escaping her as she sees me on the bed.
"By the Gods!" She yelps when her eyes land on me. "I have the syringe Brother but it's only going to push it back a few days, her scent is so strong the men are ready to fight each other for the right to claim her!"
"Skata! I don't want to have to kill my own men but I will, she is mine and I will allow no other to touch her! We need time and this is the only way for now so hurry while I can still fight the need to take her!"
Another pulse hits me and my back arches off the bed as pleasure and heat spike through my veins, Dante growls low in his throat and Lilly rushes past him and sticks something sharp into my neck, ice steels through my body making me gasp as the burning starts to cool.
"Rose will sleep now; we should get her back to the mansion...Brother are you ok? BROTHER!" Lilly screeches and I hear a slap echo in the quiet room.
"Lillith I love you but don't fucking do that again... Her scent is still strong but we need to go Mammon is close."
I feel like I'm floating as I barely make out what they're saying just grateful that the consuming fire has been pushed back, strong arms pull me up and cradle me and I a sigh escapes my lips as I rest my head against a warm chest feeling safe for the first time since this nightmare began.

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