Chapter Nine

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"Come on love, open those pretty eyes of yours."
I groan and snuggle closer against the firm, warm body enjoying the musky scent of sandalwood and man as I inhale deeply and I almost purr when a soft hand strokes down my back.
"Rose as much as I'm enjoying you wriggling about on my lap you need to wake up, we're almost back at the mansion and we have a lot to talk about."
I blink lazily my gaze clashing with molten silver ones, yelping in surprise I quickly pull away but his arms tighten around me holding me in place. Mortified I quickly look away from him taking in the leather upholstery of the vehicle we're sitting in and move my gaze to the window but can't see anything through the tinted glass.
"I think I liked it better when you were asleep at least then you don't try and run from me." Dante moves his arms and I quickly scramble to the opposite seat frantically trying to calm my erratic breathing as he watches on in amusement.
"How are you feeling love? Do you remember what happened last night?"
"I feel like I've been hit by a truck, my whole body is aching- wait the motel! How the hell did you find me? All I remember is feeling weird then heading out to the vending machine...the manager...oh my... he tried to- "I gasp as everything replays through my mind, the man being pulled off me and Dante...Dante ripping into him... the throbbing pulses of fever and need making my body scream with lust and want.
"Dante...I... what the hell is wrong with me? Please I need answers! Everything has gone to shit and I have no idea why... I am begging you, please tell me what is going on!"
Leaning back in his seat he rubs a hand over his stubbled cheeks, eyes full of dark emotion as he looks at me, biting down hard on my bottom lip I realize that whatever he is about to tell me is going to change everything.
"Before I tell you anything you must promise not to run again Rose, you will not like what I'm about to tell you and I need to trust that you will not try and run from me again." He watches my face carefully and I nod my head knowing that even if I did he would just hunt me down and drag me back.
"I swear Dante I won't run again just please tell me what is going on!"
"Ok love, first I need you to put this on." He hands me a beautiful silver ring with diamonds and moonstones set into the delicate band, looking at the ring closely I feel a strong connection to it like it was made just for me.
"It's beautiful but why do I need to put it on?"
"It's a gift from your Mother, the ring will help you control your magic and hopefully keep the Awakening from taking you over for a couple of weeks at least."I slip the ring on, tears blurring my vision at the sense of peace that settles over me and I frown up at Dante.
"Did you know my Mum and Dad? Is that why you have this?"
"Rose... they weren't your real parents... they were your Guardians. Your birth Mother chose them to raise you knowing that they would love you as their own and protect you from those who hunted you, they knew the risks and accepted them gladly."
Gasping in shock I rear back as his words slam into me making my heart shatter into a thousand pieces, he grabs my hand cradling it gently within his own rubbing his thumb across the palm and I feel myself calm through his gentle touch.
"You birth mother...who is she?"
"Nyx the Goddess of Night and Darkness, she is your mother and Hecate is your Aunt... that's why Nyx hid you with those Guardians because she knew that Hecate would like nothing more than to use you against her. You have to understand love that Hecate hates her sister, she has always been jealous of Nyx and has always tried to find ways of gaining enough power to take her out...that's where you come in Rose, you see when Hecate found out you had been born not only did she realize that Nyx finally had a weakness that she could exploit but the power she would have if you were under her control... well no-one would be able to stop her."
Wrapping my arms tightly around my stomach I try and hold myself together as shudders wrack through my body, this was far more than I ever imagined and I knew by looking into his unhappy face that there was more to come, choking back a sob as everything he said swirls through my mind I feel panic clawing through my chest, this can't be true! He's crazy! I can't be Nyx's daughter... my parents...No! No way it's impossible! "Wait...what? Are you serious? NO! You're lying!" I manage to pant out through my rising panic but the look on his face makes my heart lurch.
"Every word is true I assure you Rose... you see what you don't understand is that when your Aunt figured out she could use you to increase her power she came up with a clever plan which would not only seal your fate but give her a very powerful ally in her quest to destroy your mother. So with this in mind she travelled to Hell and visited each of the seven Kings telling them of her proposal knowing that they would never be able to resist her offer, the daughter of a powerful Goddess that they could use and control by Feeding and Fucking from you... Gods, they would have the ultimate power source in their would make them the strongest King in Hell and I shudder to think if Mammon or some of the others got their hands on you!"
"Wait hang on a minute... what could they possibly gain from taking me? You're wrong Dante I'm nothing, a... a... nobody!"
"I know this is all a massive shock and I wish I could make this easier on you but there isn't any time! Between me and Nyx we have managed to push back your Awakening for a few weeks but it will come and when it does your body will go into transition so it can accept all your power. If Mammon gets you before then he will claim you- "
"What are you talking about? What is the Awakening? And what do you mean if he claims me?"
Rubbing the back of his neck he looks uncomfortable again and mutters to himself in Greek, if the situation wasn't so dire I would have been laughing at the expression on his face.
"By the Gods! I never thought I would have to explain this! Ok... the Awakening happens to every supernatural creature when they come to a certain age usually when they turn eighteen it means your body has matured enough to accept your full power. So the symptoms begin like erratic power, fever, sickness, tiredness and then you get the Need... I think you can remember the motel love, the fever burning through you, how you where writhing and moaning on the bed begging for me to take you- "That sandalwood scent is spilling from him again and the lust in his face makes me squirm in my seat, biting my lip I feel desire raise up within me at his words and my memories of the motel.
"That... that is your bodies way of attracting a male... a male who will help you survive the Awakening. He will not only bring you pleasure as your body demands but he will be able to Feed on your power when it gets too much for you helping keep you safe until you finally transition safely."
I couldn't help it I laughed, I laughed so hard that tears rolled down my face and looking at Dante's shocked features only made me giggle more, I realize I must have finally lost my bloody mind because after all the lies, the secrets and death this has what's sent me over the edge of sanity. Shaking my head in despair as I think only few days ago I was happily living a normal mundane life and then like Alice falling down the rabbit hole I wake up in this new disturbing world full of nothing but pain.

Darkness Awakens ( Darkness Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now