Chapter Three

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"Rose... can you hear me?"

I look around the unfamiliar room trying to find the source of the voice, I glance around at the high stone walls covered in moss, water running down steadily dripping on the floor and find myself drawn towards a large black ornate mirror that sits in the centre of the room. As I stare in to the glass I let out a gasp as instead of my reflection I see Luc staring back at me a relieved smile on his face.

"Thank the Goddess, Rose are you ok?"

"Oh Luc! I'm so happy to see you!" I manage to choke out through my tears gazing upon his familiar face is like a balm to my soul.

"Listen Rose we don't have much time, I need you to know that everything me and the Coven have done is to protect keep you safe..." I stare at Lucs reflection in confusion, what's he talking about?

"It's time for you to know the truth, the Coven repressed your memories and bound your magic when you first came to us at eight years old, it truly was for your safety Rose...I know that the binding is failing and that's why your magic is flaring up and flashes of memories are coming back." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, amber eyes cold and foreign in his face, I feel frozen in place as I try and fight the anger and betrayal that I have been lied to all these years. "The night your parents were wasn't some Demon but an old and powerful creature that was attracted by your power, he wanted you and still does that is why we must get you back before you gain your full power... we syphoned off the majority of your magic through the Elders, it helped keep us safe Rose, made us the strongest Coven! We did what we had to do but you are beginning to awaken and it may already be too late-"

I raise a hand to silence him as I stare into his face, that same face I trusted and loved all these years. A sob escapes me as I feel my heart shatter and slowly start stepping back away from the mirror.

"Rose! Listen to me! Do not act like a child throwing a tantrum! There are things that will become clear when you remember, do not judge us too harshly we did what we had to do. If Lord Erebus finds out what you are he will never let you go, we can't let that thing have you-"

"You mean like you and the Coven have done all these years? I'd rather let him kill me than let you use me again! How dare you do that to me...I trusted you Lucas." I move further away tears splashing on to the cold stone floor as I take another stumbling step backwards tripping over a cluster of stones.

"You have no choice in this Rose, we are coming and I will drag you kicking and screaming if I have too! It was your fault that your parents died, you drew that thing and put us all in danger! You'll remember everything soon enough and when you do you will come crawling back to us." The coldness in his face chills me to the core, this isn't the Luc I know and love this is a stranger.

"You must remain untouched until after the awakening, do not let that lustful Demon fool you Rose, you must remain pure!"

I kneel down and pick up a large stone in my hand and with one last look at the stranger wearing the face I know and love I hurl it with as much force as possible.


The mirror splinters in a cascade of shards the explosion of sound deafening in the stone room, closing my eyes I will myself to go back and leave this place of betrayal.

I wake up gasping as pain rips through my mind, did that really just happen? Oh Goddess please don't let it be true! I feel numb, the shock and horror of the dream vision with Luc swirling around my head, how had I been so blind all these years? They had stolen my memories, my childhood, bound my magic so they could feed on it like leaches to fatten themselves up on power! Luc...Goddess that really hurt, I loved him and I thought he loved me but it was all a lie, Dante was right all along and it only took him five bloody minutes for him to figure out! I need answers and he's the man who has them.

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