Musical talent

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No one pov

The sun is up high in the sky.

The bird chirpping happily in the background.

And for once the Vongola's mansion is peace and qu-BOOM!CRASH!!CLANK!!!

I spoke to soon😓

"I bite you to death!"

"Kufufufu, I like to see you try, skylark."

"Heii!!! H-hibari sempia!! M-mukuro san!! Please stop fighting!!!"


"Hahaha!! They're at it again."

"Shut it baseball freak!! And help tenth get them to stop fighting!"

"Wahhhhh!!! Lambo-sama want some candy!!!"

"Calm down Lambo."


Then everyone froze and look at the doorframe to see an annoyed hitman scowling.

"I guesse you still need more tutoring dame-Tsuna."


The author can only sweat drop at the scene.

After cleaning up the mess everyone was back in there seat, as the other ex-arcobaleno came in to have lunch as well.

You see it has been 3 years since the archobalino curse been lift and 2 years since they got their adult bodies back thanks to Verde. And they're now living together in the Mansion to suggestion of Yuni.

Any way everyone has find there seat, but before they could start eating they notice a certain purple head stuntman's missing.

"Where's lackey, kora?" Colonello asked.

"Maybe he's in his room?" Fon suggested.

"I'll get him." Lal said and got up.

When she was a few step before the room she could here a muffle voice.
The door was ajar so she peak inside to see something shocking.

The lackey, that known as useless and the weakest of the group was singing and playing a guitar right before her eyes.

"Hey Lal what took you so lo-SSHHH!!" Colonello came up and got shush by Lal.

"What?" He whisper asked her before following her gaze. To have his jaw drop.

"What going o-SSHHH!!" Everyone walk toward them before got shushed. After seeing what's going on they can only stare at him.

Then Mamon quickly brought out a camera, caused everyone to give her a weird look.

"Blackmail." Was all she say before start filming. Then everyone attention turned to his singing.

"I'm only human"
"I'm only, I'm only"
"I'm only human, human"

"Maybe I'm foolish"
"Maybe I'm blind"
"Thinking I can see through this"
"And see what's behind"
"Got no way to prove it"
"So maybe I'm blind"
"But I'm only human after all"
"I'm only human after all"
"Don't put your blame on me"
"Don't put your blame on me"

"Take a look in the mirror"
"And what do you see"
"Do you see it clearer"
"Or are you deceived"
"In what you believe"
"'Cause I'm only human after all"
"You're only human after all"
"Don't put the blame on me"
"Don't put your blame on me"

"Some people got the real problems"
"Some people out of luck"
"Some people think I can solve them"
"Lord heavens above"
"I'm only human after all"
"I'm only human after all"
"Don't put the blame on me"
"Don't put the blame on me"

"Don't ask my opinion"
"Don't ask me to lie"
"Then beg for forgiveness"
"For making you cry"
"Making you cry"
"Cause I'm only human after all"
"I'm only human after all"
"Don't put your blame on me"
"Don't put the blame on me"

"Oh, some people got the real problems"
"Some people out of luck"
"Some people think I can solve them"
"Lord heavens above"
"I'm only human after all"
"I'm only human after all"
"Don't put the blame on me"
"Don't put the blame on me"

"I'm only human"
"I make mistakes"
"I'm only human"
"That's all it takes"
"To put the blame on me"
"Don't put the blame on me"

"I'm no prophet or Messiah"
"Should go looking somewhere higher"
"I'm only human after all"
"I'm only human after all"
"Don't put the blame on me"
"Don't put the blame on me"

"I'm only human"
"I do what I can"
"I'm just a man"
"I do what I can"
"Don't put the blame on man
"Don't put your blame on me"

Once he finish the song he put his guitar in its stand(?) Then the door creaked.

Then his head turns like a bullet, his eyes sharp and trained as he looks toward the source of the noise.

"Who's there." His voice calm yet cold as ice, cause everyone to flinch.

They all face planted to the ground, except for most of the ex-arcobaleno *cough* Colonello *cough* when he suddenly swung the door open.

"Uhhh. What are you guys doing?" He asked obviously confused.

"We were just about to call you to lunch. Skull-nee."
Yuni answered cheerfully.

He just stare blankly at them all before getting up from his spot.

"Yeah, yeah. Just give me a minute I'll be down there."

"Skull-nee, how long have you been playing the guitar?" She asked.


Everyone then quickly left his room. Today they sure learned one thing, Skull is a dam good singer.


So hi, I'm so sorry that I didn't updated Ghost girl in a while but I have my own reasons, 1. I have never finished the young justice show and its so dam hard to find the each episodes! Ahem..anyway 2. I have ideas and lots of them, buttt the only problem? I have no idea how to write them down!

So I'm sorry the Ghost girl story will still on haitus, but hey! Good news rewrite of 'Lights of Gotham' will be published soon so yeah...that it. Ciao!


Lackey's Little Secret (KHR X Danny Phantom) 《The Re-write Is Up!》जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें