(Double Trouble) (24) (White eyes and Plans)

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(Don't start the song yet)
(Jesse's POV)
"and you guy might feel pain at certain times when Herobrine is trying to "enject" his power into you." Steve finishes his sentence. "Why, why, why, why, why, why, WHY?!" Jess says as she hits her head on the table. "Stop doing that. You are gonna hurt yourself." I say. She stops. "What are the odds of this! Command blocks, Witherstorms, Portals, Portal keys, Sky City, psycho pumpkin mansion, A giant evil computer, Rigged games, Admins, and now this." I say while covering my eyes with my hands. "We need a plan. NOW!" Jess says. "Yeah.. we do but what?" I ask. "Kids.. you have another uncle." Steve says. "Who? What?" Me and Jess rapidly say. "He is my brother.. Notch." Alex says. "Wait... Wait! Notch is our uncle?!" Jess says. Steve nods. "Have you heard of the story?!" Alex asks. "N-no." I say. "Okay so there were these two friends. One of them was nice and saved everyone. The other one was also nice but had a major attitude. One time they both saved the gods but the nicer on got the power to be one. The other one was so mad that he went to discover a different power. A dark one. They banished the dark one so he wouldn't cause any harm.. until now." Steve says. "Herobrine And Notch..." Me and Jess say at the same time. "Well how do we summon him?" Catherine suddenly asks. "Well.. we have to find to find a special book like the one they used to summon Herobrine." Alex says. "Wait but on Herobrine's book there was a scythe.. and Notch's book it has a sword with a white blade and a obsidian handle." Steve says. "That's perfect! The sooner we go the sooner we can defeat this guy!" Petra exclaims. "Okay then it's settled. We all go today." Steve says. I look at Jess. She nods knowing the signal we set up. "Me and Jesse are not going." She says. Everyone looks at Jess. "Why not?" Olivia asked. "We are scared that while we are traveling Herobrine will finally have the power to control us." Jess explains. "We don't want to hurt you guys." I say. Everyone nods. "We'll stay with you." Lukas and Petra say. "No. We are staying for your safety and please go for us!" Jess says. Petra nods and so does Lukas. A few minutes later everyone had everything packed up. Reuben put on his armor and got his sword. Me, Jess, Lukas, and Petra surprised Benedict with White armor with a gold lining and a red gem on the helmet. She immediately thanked us and want to put it on. After everyone was finished they left.

(Petra's POV)
We left the shelter and started walking to the Far Lands. Everyone was at the front while I was in the back. I missed Jesse and Jess.
(Start song now)

Petra: Feeling my way through the darkness, guided by a beating heart, I can't tell when the journey will end, but I know where to start,

They tell me I'm too young to understand, They say I'm caught up in a dream, Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes, Well that's fine by me,

So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this time I was finding myself, And I didn't know I was lost, So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this time I was finding myself, And I didn't know I was lost,

I tried carrying the weight of the world, But I only have two hands, Hope I get a chance to travel the world, But I don't have any plans, Wish that I could stay forever this young, not afraid to close my eyes, Life's a game made for everyone, And love is the prize,

So wake me up with it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this time I was finding myself, And I didn't know I was lost, So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this this time I was finding myself, And I didn't know I was lost, I didn't know I was lost, I didn't know I was lost, I didn't know I was lost

So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this time I was finding myself, And I didn't know I was lost

So wake me up when it's all over, When I'm wiser and I'm older, All this time I was finding myself, And I didn't know I was lost.

(Petra's POV)
I finish singing because it feels good to and it made me feel better. "Hey Petra." A voice says. "Oh my Notch! Catherine you scared me!" I say. "Sorry." She says. "Where did you come from?" I say. "I saw you guys leaving the base so I came. Also you have good singing." She says. "Thanks.." I Said while turning a bright red in embarrassment. "You remind me of Jess. Where is she?" Catherine asked. "At the base... Jess and Jesse stayed so they wouldn't hurt us." I Said while looking at the ground. "Everything is going to fine." She says while put a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah.. I just can't bare if I have to hurt them, especially Jesse." I say. She does a weak smile. "Then if we have to fight them then we will do our best not to." Catherine says. "Yeah! When I was forced to fight him, he didn't fight me." I say. "See! That's what I mean. You can't hurt the people you love." She says. "Thanks Catherine." I say. "No problem." She says back. The rest of the time we are talking and cracking jokes.

(Writer's Note)
Hello everyone Cat here... I am sad today because I found out on Friday, April 20, 2018, Avichii died. So I used his song "Wake me up" in his honor. Also test week is coming up for me so there might be no update. Stay in school and stay as cool as Ice Cream! 😆❤️😆 P.S. I'm starting a new book called "Two Identities" So ye Bye!!

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