(Double Trouble) (12) (Nether

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(Jesse's POV)
We finished telling all the stories about our adventure. Reuben was amazed so was Benedict. The festival was coming to a end and people stared to leave. A lot of people came up to us for pictures and autographs. Petra was resting her head on my shoulder when we are still at our table. Reuben won something for Benedict at one of the games. It was a stuffed chicken. "We have some extra time tomorrow! What are we doing?" Asked Lukas. "I don't know." I replied. "I'm going to the nether tomorrow. I need to get some things because I'm learning to make potions and other stuff." Jess said. "Cool! Can I come?" I asked. "Everyone's welcome!" She said. I looked at Lukas and Petra. "You guys coming?" I asked. "No. Still have to finish revising a book." Lukas said. "I'm sleeping in." Petra said. "Okay." Jess said. I look over at Reuben and Benedict they are half asleep. "We should go." I whispered as I pointed at them. "Aww they look so cute!" Jess said. "We heard that!" Reuben said opening his eyes. "Uhhh I didn't say anything." Jess said. "Cmon let's go." I say. Reuben carefully wakes Benedict. "Cmon we are leaving!" Reuben said as Benedict slowly opened her eyes. They both got up and followed us. We got to he temple and closed the door. Benedict goes and the room and Reuben waits outside because Benedict has to put on her Pajamas. Shortly after Benedict finished Reuben went in when Benedict was leaving the room. A few minutes later they are on their separate beds and they were talking about animal stuff. "This day was pretty hectic!" Lukas said. "Yeah! No kidding!" Jess said. "I'm just so freakin tired." Petra said yawning. "Life forbids me for waking up later then 9:00 am." Petra also said. We were all sitting on the couches. Petra was laying down and her head was using my lap as a pillow. Lukas and Jess were on their own couch too but just normal sitting. I looked at the clock. 10:21 pm. It was pretty late. It was quiet. I kinda miss my old life before the Witherstorm. Everyone was asleep. Some how Jess fell asleep on Lukas shoulder and he was asleep too. I think I was the only one awake. Crazy how my friends were really tired. I looked over at Petra she as still awake. "Can't sleep?" I asked her. She looked over her shoulder. "Yeah." She replied. "Wanna know something funny about Lukas?" She said. "What is it?" I asked. "He's writing a song a song for Jess." She said. "No way! Really!" I said. "Yep.. it's really good!" Petra said. "Ha! Kinda reminds me when Lukas had no crush and he used to tease us about ours!" I said. She smiled at me. I kissed her forehead. "Try to sleep because I don't know if we are going into our rooms." I said. "You too." She said as she closed her eyes. I closed my eyes too and sleep just overwhelmed me.

(Time skip till morning)

(Jess's POV)
It was morning and I woke up. I some how fell asleep on Lukas shoulder. I slightly blushed and stood up. I went to my bathroom so I could get my hair done. I brushed my hair and left the bathroom. I went to Reuben and Benedict's room to check up on them. They were still asleep. I went outside and walked around town. People were just getting up and leaving their houses. I said hello to them as they left for work. I found a random bench and sat there and looked at the town. A lady asked me if I wanted some bread and I told her I would love some so she handed me some and walked away. I ate my bread and decided go to the temple. I got back Lukas was awake but Jesse and Petra were still asleep. "Morning!" I heard Lukas say. "Mornin!" I sat back. We both sat down to eat. I take out the extra bread from my inventory and gave it to Lukas. "Thanks Jess." He said. "No problem! I'll do anything for a friend." Jess said. At this point our faces are so close that we kissed. The kiss lasted a few moments and we pulled away while blushing like crazy! "I-I I'm so sorry!" We both said at the same time but we just ended up staring at each other with a slight blush on their faces and a small smile. "Was that your first kiss?" Lukas asked. "Yeah... what about you?" I said. "Same." Lukas replied. We silently laughed it off. Lukas finished his breakfast and just talked to me. We heard Reuben and Benedict get out of their room and they were in their normal clothes. "Morning Jess! Morning Lukas!" Reuben and Benedict said to Me and Lukas. "Mornin kiddos!" I said. "Jesse and Petra still asleep?" Asked Benedict. "Yep..." Lukas replied. Reuben and Benedict got some bread from the kitchen and ate it. Petra and Jesse woke up shortly after. "Morning sis! Morning Lukas!" Jesse said. "Morning!" We say back. Jesse and Petra sat down at the table and guess what they are eating? Bread! They finished the bread and me and Jesse get ready to go to the nether. We leave the temple and we make our way to the nearest Nether portal. We jump in to find ourselves in a fortress. Me and Jesse split up and I was getting a lot of loot! After a while of collecting things. We saw each other across the bridge but he only thing blocking us was a wither skeleton. Once it saw me it charged for me. I managed to get a few good hits on him but he managed to dodge my last one and hit me on my right arm. I yelp I'm pain as I drop my sword. "Jess!" I hear Jesse said. He got the last hit to kill the skeleton but once he took a good look at my arm which was a gash but around it was a blackish purplish bruise. "Are you okay?" Jesse asked me. "Yeah... I'm fine." I say. "You don't look okay." "When I say I'm fine I'm fine!" I say louder. "Okay.. but you should at least wrap bandages around your arm." He says. "Fine!" I Said as I take out my bandages and wrapped it around my arm. The pain was almost unbearable. "We should leave for the day." Jesse said. "Yeah.. let's go!" I Said. We jumped in the portal to go home and we were back in Beacon Town.

(Writer's Note)
Hey guys! Dani here! Here is another chapter for the day :) Hope you enjoy! Next chapter coming soon!! Stay cool as ice cream! ❤️😆❤️

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