(Double Trouble) (9) (Reunited)

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(Jesse's POV)
"It's me.... Reuben.." I sighed. There was no way that Reuben died and came here as human. "He's not lying Jesse." Ellie said. I looked at them in silence. The kid came up to me. "Thank you for the nice words you said before I died." Reuben said. It this point it was useless to deny it he was Reuben. He does remember the words I said before he passed. I hugged him and he immediately returned it.
Reuben went up to Petra and hugged her knees because he was short. Petra hugged him back. It was nice to have him back but he is a human now. "Wait how old are you?" Asked Petra. "I'm eleven!" Reuben answered. "Awesome!" Petra said. "Wait! How did you find us?" Asked Ellie. "We came through a portal while we were mining." Petra said. "You found the portal?!" Asked Ellie. "Yeah! Why?" I asked. "We can go back to Earth!" Exclaimed Ellie. "Wait, you can come back?" I asked. "Yes!" exclaimed Lizzie.
"Well then let's go!" I said. We all ran to the portal and jumped in. We made it back to home. Me, Petra, Ellie, Reuben, Lizzie, and Sparkles came. Tourquedog stayed behind. He liked it up there. We made it back to the cave and we all sat down. The portal disappeared in front of our eyes and everything seemed quiet.  I guess all the zombies left. All of us went back up to be surface after me and Petra gathered our stuff. We walked along the gravel path to the temple. "Before we get inside Beacon Town, I wanna remind you guys that we have a new member of the order." I said. "Really?" Reuben asked. "Yep... you might remember her." I said. We open the door of the temple to find Jess sitting on the couch on her phone. "He g-"
She was caught off guard when she saw Ellie Lizzie and Sparklez. She looked at me and Petra. "What... how?" She asked. Me and Petra shrugged. Reuben stared at Jess in awe. "JESSICA!!!" Reuben yelled as he quickly hugged her. "Jesse? Who is this?" Jess asked. "Believe me or not but this is Reuben." I said.
Jess looked at Reuben who had the same eyes as the pig. "Reuben.. what were the last words I said when me and Jesse ran away from our parents?" Reuben thought for a moment. "You told me that Jesse hit his head and ran the other direction and you wanted me to protect him and to make sure that he finds a good family or friends and that you loved me." Reuben said. Jess hugged him. "It is you!" Jess told him. "Excuse me but who is she?" Asked Lizzie. "Oh she's my twin sister." Jesse said. Ellie, Lizzie, and Sparklez just stared at Jess before nodding. "Well, i gotta go I'm gonna see if I can find the rest of the old Order." Ellie said. "And me and Sparklez are gonna try to find our friends." Lizzie said. "Wait! Stampy and Stacy live here!" I said. "Great! We're gonna go find them." Sparklez said. "Bye Guys! Me, Petra and Jess said. We all looked at Reuben. "And what are we going to do with you?" Asked Petra. "Well, he's a human now so he can do human stuff." I said. "We really should give him a room." Said Jess. "Yeah! Gotta agree with you Jess." Petra said. We gave Reuben a room to stay in. "I love being in the real world." Reuben said as we led him to his room.We all laughed. "What do you want to eat?" I asked him. "Well, since I'm a former animal I've been thinking I eat vegetables." Reuben said. "Well then, I'm gonna go get some carrots." Said Jess leaving the room. Me and Petra sat by each other as Reuben jumped on the bed. Later that night I'm gonna take her somewhere because I wanna ask her to be my girlfriend. It also felt good to have Reuben back. I'm gonna show him the memorials of him. "Brought the carrots." Said Jessica bringing in the room. "Sweet!" Yelled Reuben and he ate off a plate.  Reuben looked at me. "You looked older." He said. "Yeah because we defeated the Witherstorm when I was 17 and now I'm 19!" Jess and Petra laughed at Reuben's question. "Also what did you do to my pig meat?" Reuben asked with a month full of carrots. "Come, let us show you. I said us me, Petra and Jess stood up. We walked to the treasure room and Reuben was pretty amazed at the stuff we got . We made our way the the memorial. He took a good look at it and nodded. "Forgot to ask Jess where's Lukas?" Petra said. "He is in his room working on a project." Jess said. "Oh okay!" Petra said. "Woah! Who's crown was this?" Asked Reuben as he was looking at the Ever source crown. "Believe me or not it belonged to a chicken named Benedict." Petra said. "He sounds cool!" Said Reuben. "You mean "She" sounds cool" I said. "She is a female chicken?!" Asked Reuben. "Yep." I Said. "Jesse? JESSE!" We heard a familiar voice say. We turned to see Isa running up to us. She was out of breath. "Isa! What happened?" Petra said. "Me and Benedict went on out adventure.. and while we were gone people attacked the city. Aiden and the Blaze rods held them off while I fought the leader. He said something about "where are they" or something." She started getting teary eyed. "Their wolfs killed Benedict..." Isa said crying. We all stare at Isa. Then we found a portal it looked weird. "It was next to to portal you guys went through to get in the portal hallway. Then I came here.." Isa said. "Isa... Benedict can still come back..." I said. "What how?" She said. "I wanna introduce you to Reuben... He was a pig but that portal made him come back to life as a human." I said. She looked at me. "Thank you for telling me this!" She said. "Your welcome." I said back. "I'm gonna stay in the inn in your town." She said.
"Okay bye!" I said. I turned to Petra and Jessica. "Cmon let's go to the living room. Cmon Reuben!" I said. We all go back to the living room where we see Lukas writing in his journal. "Hey guys!" He said. "Hey Lukas!" We said back. He saw Reuben behind us. "Who's that?" Asked Lukas. "Reuben!" I answered. Lukas looked at me like crazy. "Long story involving A portal, and dead people who cane to life again." I said. Lukas laughed. It was getting late so me and Petra headed out into the night. "What did you want to talk about Jesse?" Petra asked. I looked at her and I sighed. "Petra, wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile. She kissed me and then said "yes!" After she said yes I kissed her again and she kissed me right back.

(Writer's Note)
Hey guys! I just wanted thank you for reading my stories and more will come up later! Hey! I'm just 5th grade 11 year old girl who is in LOVE it Mcsm and the ships and just about everything else! So basically it's a big honor writing a story.

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