(Double Trouble) (22) (Battles and An Powerful Demon)

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(Don't play the song yet)
(Jesse's POV)
"ATTACK!" I yelled and the whole order attacked each person. We managed to take out most of the people and we made it James and Jasmine. "We found you!" James says in a mischievous voice. They held a book up high. "By the power of Notch. I will now rise the uncle of the Jesse twins." James said. The ground shook and a figure with tan skin, brown hair, light blue shirt, blue jeans, and white eyes rose up from the ground. "U-uncle?! You mean Steve and Alex are our PARENTS?!" Me and Jess said at the same time. "Ding Ding Ding!" Jasmine says. "Herobrine.. these are the children of Steve and Alex! Take them away and use them to take revenge on your brother, Steve and his wife Alex!" Jasmine yells. "What! No! You can't take us!" I yelled. Herobrine looks at us with a mischievous smile. "Herobrine STOP!" We heard a male voice say. The male looked like Herobrine but with pupils. The female had orange hair, green shirt, and grey-ish pants. "Ah... Steve.. nice of you to join us!" Herobrine Said. Steve looks at us. "Alex... Look! It's them our children!" Steve whispers to Alex. Alex looks at us and gasps. "They are so big now!" Alex whispers. "I'll fight him and you'll redirect them back to our home back in their world." Steve whispered to Alex. Alex nodded and gave him a quick hug. Steve returned it and let go. "Oui! Brother of mine! If you want our children, you gotta get through me first!" Steve shouted. "Gladly!" Herobrine Said. They started to fight each other. "Guys!! Cmon!" Shouted Alex. Me and the Order looked at each other and then at Alex and we nodded. We all follow Alex to the portal and we all got home. "You guys have to come with me! It's not safe anywhere!" Alex says. "But it's sunset! The monsters will come!" Petra says. "We'll build a hut okay?!" Alex yells. We all look at her. "Let's get started." I say. We all quickly build the hut. That's big enough to fit 7 people. We all go inside. Petra sits with me, Jess sits with Lukas and Olivia sits with Axel. Alex sits by herself. Me and Jess start a fire. We all sit back down. It was too quiet. "Why did you abandon us?" Jess suddenly said breaking the silence. "What?" Asked Alex. "Why didn't you keep me and Jesse when we were newborns?" Jess asked raising her voice a little. I wanted to know as well. Alex sighed. "We left you because our lives were too dangerous for you." Alex replied. "You think we couldn't handle ourselves?" I asked a little bit angerly. "We thought you guys would grow.. being non-fighters.." Alex replied with a little bit of guilt. "So you thought, we were gonna be weak?!" Jess said with anger in her voice. "Y-Yeah..." Alex replied. I got up. "I'm going outside... I need to clear my head." I Said. "I'm going with you." Jess says. Me and Jess go outside. We go find a random tree to sit under. Shortly after we started singing. (Play song now)

Jesse: When the days are cold, and the cards all fold, and the saints we see are all made of gold

Jess: When your dreams they fail, and the ones we hail, are the worst of all and blood's run stale

Jesse: I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you but with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide

Both: no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed, this is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come

Jesse: when you feel my heat, look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide

Jess: don't get too close, it's dark inside
it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide

Jesse: when the curtain's call, it's the last of all, when the lights fade out, all the sinners crawl,

Jess: so they dug your grave and the masquerade, will come calling out, at the mess you made

Jesse: don't want to let you down, but I am hell bound, though this is all for you, don't wanna hide the truth

Both: no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed, this is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come,

Jess: when you feel my heat, look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide

Jesse: don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide

Jess: They say it's what you make, I say it's up to fate, it's woven in my soul, I need to let you go

Jesse: your eyes they shine so bright, I wanna save that light, I can't escape this now

Both: unless you show me how

Jesse: when you feel my heat,

Both: look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide

Jesse: don't get too close

Both: it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide

(Jesse's POV)
Me and Jess finish singing and we both never knew we had good voices.

(Petra's POV)
Me and Lukas left the hut to find Jesse and Jess. We hear singing near by and it turns out it was Jesse and Jess! They both just started singing so me and Lukas wait behind a tree. They both finish singing and I couldn't help but blush. Lukas was blushing too. We come out behind the trees and Jesse and Jess spot us. "Did you hear all that?" Jesse asked with a red face. "Surprisingly... Yes." I Said. Now Jess's face a red. "Notch..." Jess says. "Actually you guys aren't bad.." Lukas says. "We didn't know we were good either." Jesse replies. We laugh. "We should go back to the hut. They might be wondering where we are." I say. We all get up and go to the hut. Turns out we were close so we open the door. Olivia and Axel were asleep. Alex was awake. "You guys are finally back." Alex whispered. Jesse and Jess nods before going to lie down. I lie down next to Jesse and put my head on his chest. He wraps his hand around my waist and we both fall asleep.

(Time skip to morning)

(No one's POV)
BOOM! Everyone except Jesse and Jess woke up. "What the crap is going on?!" Petra asked. BOOM! There was the sound again. "He's here!" Alex exclaims. "Who's here?" Asked Olivia. "Herobrine." Alex says. "Wake up Jesse and Jess. We have to go. NOW!"?Alex exclaims. We shake Jesse and Jess until they wake up. "Ugh! What happened?" Jess asked. They all gasped. One of Jesse's eyes were white, so were Jess's.

"Herobrine is trying to take over them." Alex said.

(Writer's Note)
Hey guys! Catherine here! My spring break is almost over as of I'm writing this.. NOOOO!! Welp.. I gotta go.. I really have writer's block.. Stay in school and Stay cool as ice cream! 😆❤️😆 P.S. There is gonna be one. Maybe two more books in the Double Trouble series. And I'm gonna see if I can work on a "Ship Opinions" book and another book but it's gonna be a surprise!! Bye for now!! P.S.S. I'm gonna do a series on my "insane notebook of fangirling." And the cover has the first letter of my name... I live in a Hispanic family.. so think! :) BYEEEE FOR REALZ. P.P.S.S. I made a new cover!!! Sorry if this confuses some people!! It's made by me. Not telling how I made it!

Double Trouble (A Mcsm Fanfic series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora