(Double Trouble) (20) (Royalty and Tears)

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(Petra's POV)
I woke up and I head to the living room. I didn't feel like changing to my normal clothes or eating. I just wanted Jesse and Jess back. I feel a few tears go down my face. I go sit on the couch and hug my knees to my chest. "Petra?" I heard a voice say. I turned around. "Yes Olivia?" I tell her. "I heard you crying and I just wanted to check on you." She told me. I say nothing. Olivia comes sit down next to me but the remote was next to me and she accidentally turned on the TV. When it turned on there was a news report. "Prince and Princess of Minecraftia found." I read the heading. "Jessica and Jesse Jones." Olivia read after me. "It's them!" I exclaimed. I look at the TV but they don't look happy and there are another pair of twins next to them. "After the ceremony of Jessica and Jesse Jones, They will marry Princess Alexa and Prince Alex." Queen Jasmine says. My heart broke in two. The twins next to them were staring at them with goo-goo eyes. "Petra. Jesse would never marry her! That's forced marriage!" Olivia said trying to calm me down. "How do you know?" I say. "I-I..." stummered Olivia, trying to find a answer. "Look at her! She is so much prettier! And on top of that she's a princess!" I exclaimed. "Petra! Don't say that!" Olivia said. "Jesse doesn't care about me anymore!" I yell. "If Jesse didn't care about you he would have save Gabriel when the Witherstorm happened. If he didn't care about you, he wouldn't have let us rest for the night. If he didn't care about you he would've told us you had Wither sickness. If he didn't care about he would've gone to prison with Lukas and Ivor. If he didn't care about you   the white pumpkin could've killed you! If he didn't care about you he would've saved Lukas when PAMA chipped you. If he didn't care about you he would've saved Ivor in the games!" Olivia yelled. I stayed silent as I remembered the past. "So get up from couch wake up Lukas and go freaking save them!" Olivia yells. "I when did you get so aggressive?!" I joked. "I don't know.. guess I got mad that that took then away from us." Olivia said shrugging. I laugh for a little bit before going to knock on Lukas' door. "Lukas!!! Wake up!!! We have to save Jesse and Jess!" I said while banging on his door. I waited a little bit then he opened. "What did you say?" He asked. I pointed to the TV. Olivia rewinded the TV to the part where they announced the ceremony and marriage. Luka looked at the TV. "Cmon we have to save them!" I yell. Lukas nods. "Okay let's get dressed and then we put on our armor!" Lukas says. I nod before we go to our rooms and get dressed then we go to the treasure room. We both get our horses and ride off to the kingdom.

(Jesse's POV)
I woke up with dread. I went to wake up Jess. "Cmon on Jess the faster we do the ceremony and the marriage the faster we can get out of here!" I whisper shouted trying to get Jess up. I eventually got Jess up. "Cmon!" I tell her. "Put on your dress the ceremony is today!" I tell her. "Ugh!" Jess said.

(Time skip 30 minutes)

(Jesse's POV)
Me and Jess go to the ballroom and we see James and Jasmine with Alex and Alexa. We go outside to a balcony were everyone can see us. "After the ceremony of Jessica and Jesse Jones, They will marry Princess Alexa and Prince Alex." Jasmine said. I rolled my eyes. "Cmon you guys the ceremony is starting." I heard Alexa say. Jess groans. We walk inside the ballroom and we stand on the stage. "We will know crown Jesse and Jessica Jones to be the prince and princess of Minecraftia." A guy said. "Do you Jessica and Jesse promise to be a loyal and caring royal?" The guy said. "Yes yes! Let's just get this over with!" We told him. The guy got the crowns and put them on mine and Jess's Head. "I know prenouce you... Princess Jessica and Prince Jesse." The guys announces. Everyone claps. "The wedding will be in two hours!" James exclaims. Everyone cheers except me and Jess. "Let's go Jess." I told her as we walked off the stage.

(2 hours later)
(Jess's POV)
The wedding is starting. Me and Alexa walk down the isle with our flowers and dresses. I go up I front of Alex and Alexa goes in front of Jesse. "If everyone quiets down we can start the wedding." The priest ordered. Everyone quickly quiet down. "Okay. It is great to announce the marriage of Jessica and Alex and Jesse and Alexa." The priest announced. He turned to me. "Do you Jessica Jones take Alex Cunningham to be your husband?" The priest asked. "I do.." I grumbled. Do you Alex Cunningham take Jessica Jone to be your wife?" The priest asked. "I do!" Alex said. He turned to Jesse and Alexa and they both said the same. "Does anyone object the marriage?" The priest asks. "We do!" We heard two familiar voices say. The doors opened to reveal Petra and Lukas. There were muffled conversations. "They don't love them!" Petra yells. "They got taken away from us! James and Jasmine took them!" Lukas yelled. "We'll show you that they love us!" Petra yelled as she went up to Jesse and Lukas came up to me. Without a moment to soon they kissed us both. We immediately sink in to the kiss. "Guards! Arrest them!" Jasmine yelled. 4 guards arrested Petra and Lukas and they took them away. Everyone was silent. Me and Jesse looked at each other. "I've had enough of this crap!" I Said taking off my crown and breaking it in half. Jesse does the same. Me and Jesse run out of the church. We go to our room and put on our normals clothes. "We have to save Petra and Lukas." We Said at the same time.

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