chapter 15

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My eyes snapped open, I sat up and started catching my breath. It took me a few moments to calm down and my hands were still trembling when I buried them in my hair and let out a deep sigh. The images of my last nightmare were still terribly vivid in my mind and it was almost like everything was real.

'' Are you homeless or something? ''

I barely managed to hold back a surprised scream. I didn't even notice that there was someone else in the room with me. Now I put a hand over my heart and seriously mumbled: '' You scared me, Yoori. It's not good for an individual and their heart to wake up and have your face the first thing that they see. ''

Yoori was sitting on a sofa that was opposite of the one that I was sleeping on. She was leaning back, gazing at the ceiling and tapping her foot against the floor with boredom. She was wearing the Jung academy school uniform and I guessed that she stopped here before going to classes. '' Answer my question. Are you homeless? Why were you sleeping here? I knew that Chanyeol was hiding something when he made up a really bad lie about how one of his friends was staying here, despite the fact that everybody knows that Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are his only friend. I still would've never guessed that it was you. ''

I stretched my arms and yawned. I wasn't going to answer at first and I started searching through the backpack full of my things that I brought here. I pulled out a hoodie and looked at her again. '' Tch. I'm not homeless. I just don't want to be in my home right now. I'm sure you know how that must feel like. Why are you still here? Do you feel sorry for me or something? ''

'' I'm just curious, '' she thoughtfully murmured and observed my beaten up face. I knew it had to look even worse than yesterday. It felt really bad too. The bruises finished forming overnight and I didn't need to check in a mirror to know that my whole face was blue, red and swollen. '' You know, Baekhyun is angry with me. He told me to stop trying to keep him and you apart. He doesn't understand that I'm just looking out for him. People always hurt him when he decided to let someone get close to him and he is trying to convince me that you are different. I don't believe in people being different. ''

I put on my black hoodie and pulled up the zipper. '' I am not different. I'm just... less. ''

'' Less? '' she repeated and raised an eyebrow in doubt.

I carelessly shrugged and murmured: '' That's how I feel. It's the easiest way to explain it. My heart feels just... less. ''

I grabbed my bag and prepared to leave, when she suddenly jumped on her feet and called after me: '' Can I walk your dog? ''

I froze and slowly turned around. My face was deathly serious and my gaze travelled towards Vivi before going back to Yoori. I didn't even think of how the animal didn't bark when she walked in the room. That was unusual, cause he barked at everybody, even me. In reality, he seemed to hate anyone besides his owner Sehun. I used to think it was because he could sense some people being better than others, but now I wasn't completely sure anymore. '' Do that if you want, but be careful. His owner loves him a lot . ''

Yoori smiled and waved at the animal. I continued watching with surprise when Vivi happily wagged his tail. '' Thanks. I always wanted to have a dog, but my parents never let me. That's kind of funny, don't you think? A rich person that could have anything in the world, always desired to own a pet. I used to come up with different names for it too, when I was still young. I always kept hoping that I might get it one day. ''

'' Do you want to marry Baekhyun? '' I blurted out.

My question clearly startled her, then she smirked and asked back: '' Do you think I have a choice? ''

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