chapter 10

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'' Who did it? Who left that package in my office? Who is after me?! ''

The sun was caressing my cheeks and the former politician Gang Sungho was screaming through the headphones that were stuck in my ears. To anyone passing by it would seem like I was sleeping on a bench under the cherry trees that were growing around Jung academy. My really were closed, my arms were crossed on my chest, but in reality I was listening to the recordings from Sungho's office that I had on my phone.

Gang Sungho was careful, really careful and he didn't say anything incriminating in his office. He had a small meltdown when he first discovered the package that I left for him and there was a lot of screaming and accusing of random people, but that was all. I listened to hours of him discussing flights and ships full of tourists that were leaving the country and coming here and then going on business meetings to speak of his actual illegal business. At one point I nearly fell asleep, when the sound of his phone ringing shook me awake again and I heard him hiss: '' Why are you calling me on my personal phone? Are you crazy? ''

My eyes snapped open and I gazed at the blue sky above me.

'' There was an undercover policeman at one of my bars and he arrested one of my main coke buyers? Fuck, I think I'm going to go crazy. Everything is going wrong these days. '' Sungho took a deep breath and I heard him walking up and down his office. '' Tell Hajoon that our meeting has been postponed until tomorrow. Schedule it at El Dorado at ten at night and warn him to be careful. I want my clients to trust me, but he needs to know that there could be police after him too. ''

The corner of my mouth slowly curved in to a smirk and I just thought of the next part of my plan. Gang Sungho was abandoned by his wife and his daughter. Now it was time to take his business partners and friends away from him.

'' Did you look in to the post office that delivered the package like I asked you? '' I was going to pause the voice recording for now, but Sungho's next words made me stop. '' What? The postman said that someone stole his jacket right before my building? That must be how they got inside. And the security camera footage? A girl? In a school girl skirt? Are you bullshitting me right now? Do you want to get fired?! ''

Gang Sungho's screaming was getting progressively louder and I couldn't help it but to chuckle in amusement. He was trying to figure out who delivered the package to him, but so far the leads weren't very promising. '' How could I possibly know which one of my enemies sent her? I have too many of them to even count! Hold up, what did you just say? You enlarged the photo of the girl that delivered the package and saw the symbol of Jung academy on her clothes? ''

My breath got caught in my throat and my blood instantly ran cold when I heard him mention the name of my school. I pulled the earphones from my ears and ran through my hair with my trembling hand. It took me a few moments before I managed to calm down enough to continue listening. This was scary and I definitely made a really bad mistake, but I couldn't let that discourage me and make me give up on my revenge plan.

I thought of my father, sitting in the common room of the prison and playing cards with the same person for the past few years. My fingers clenched in to fists and a sudden wave of anger almost made me want to punch something. Gang Sungho was another person who was scared of the Nam family, so he had to use such a dirty trick to get rid of my father. He thought that he was safe now and that he took his position, but he had no idea I was still here and fighting in his place.

I glanced at my phone and put the earphones back in my ears. The recording was from yesterday and I still had several hours left to listen to. I was gong to press play, when I suddenly heard the sound of high heels and turned around. My eyes slightly widened with surprise when I saw Yoori walking towards me and I slowly put my phone away again. She glanced at the screen and her eyebrows furrowed together with confusion when she saw I was listening to some voice recording with no title, then she looked at the bench that I was sitting on. She didn't even need to say anything and I quickly moved my legs and made some space for her. She sat down, leaned her head back and let the sun shine on her beautiful face. I was watching her from the side and wondering why she came to look for me, then she suddenly opened her mouth and quietly spoke up: '' You shouldn't fall in love with him, Nam Somin. ''

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