Chapter 42 Family

Start from the beginning

"You too," Ariane answered. It was certainly more pleasant here without Zara.

She closed her eyes and made herself comfortable.


Vara bit her lip and glanced at the closed door that led to the bedroom. Cyrus' grandfather wasn't feeling well lately and even now, during the day, he had retreated. She knew it was just his age, but it was still difficult to accept.

Lady Eurydice smiled kindly at her. "Don't worry child, he is a strong man. He won't be leaving us for a while. Let's not spoil your visit. I haven't yet had the chance to meet Iason." She looked over at said man and her smile widened.

Iason cleared his throat and sat straighter. "My lady Eurydice."

Eurydice laughed softly and turned to Vara. "What did you tell the poor boy? He looks like he's afraid I might eat him. Don't worry lad," she patted Iason's knee, "I've had breakfast." She winked at him.

Iason swallowed nervously.

Eurydice smiled warmly. "I'm glad to see you with Vara, young man. It is good to see her smile again. She was so worried when you did not come home that day. And then when they brought you back unconscious..."

"Lady Eurydice!" Vara hissed embarrassed.

The old woman laughed softly. "How many times have you teased him, child? It's time to return the favor."

Iason let out a nervous laugh. "Perhaps I should stay on her good side. I'll have to spend the rest of my life with her after all."

Eurydice laughed and Vara crossed her arms. "You two are both horrible," she pouted.

Eurydice shook her head amused. "Tell me about yourself, Iason, I believe you have brothers?"

Iason nodded. He still felt strange talking to the king's mother so casually. "One older brother and one younger. It's been a while since I've seen them." Suddenly he flinched. "I haven't even notified them."

It was Vara's turn to laugh. "Well, I'll be sure to inform them."

Iason glanced at her. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"I'll have to meet them at some point," Vara pointed out, "or did you intend to wait until after the wedding?"

"Well," Eurydice said amused, "it seems you two still have a lot to talk about. Has there even been a date set?"

"Winter solstice," Vara answered. She smiled at Iason and linked her fingers with his. Only a few more weeks. Invitations would be going out any day now.

"I look forward to it," Eurydice smiled, "now get going you two. I'm sure there are a lot of things you still need to do. Don't spend the day with an old woman like me."

"I love spending time with you."

Eurydice cupped the girl's cheek and kissed her forehead. "Go now. And don't worry so much about Caius. He will be there to see you dance on your wedding. I can promise you that."


The stables were usually a good place to clear your thoughts. The stable boys were used to seeing him here. He liked to take care of his own horse. The animal carried him everywhere after all.

Darius had retreated with Elora, so Torcan had a rare evening off, but he did not mind. His thoughts wandered towards Vara who was now engaged, though not to some nobleman's son.

A faint smile was on Torcan's lips. She was a willful one, that was sure. He hadn't met the man in question, because Vara'd had no guard yet while he was in Zeir, but he would like to know what kind of man she had chosen for herself. He hadn't had the chance to ask Iolaus about it yet. Ariane didn't have much information and he didn't dare ask prince Cyrus.

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