18_ Three words

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Alex P.O.V

I thought when someone you really love say that he loves you it suppose to be a new beginnig , it suppose to heal you heart , it suppose to give you a new purpose in life .

But in my case , it was the end , it broke my heart , and instead of giving a purpose to live i didn't want to live with this love .

They say rich people have everything , I wish if i have his life just for one day . I don't think you want to have it now . I have money , Health even Love but useless , what do i do whith these things without Lillia ? , just take everything and give her to me , because she is all i want .

" I hate seeing you like this , alex . you are such a mess so is she . " , it's been a week since i talked to lillia , and it's driving me crazy , annabelle and chris were really there for me even adam . because I'm such a mess without her , she was like a remedy to me .

" I'm trying belle , I really am . but i can't , falling in love is not like falling out of it , it's hard than you think . "

" I know it's hard , alex . believe me i know , but are you really trying to forget this love ? . "

I was deafeated for a second , annabelle knew me i can't lie into her face .

" No , I'm not . I wanna feel this love even with all this pain . I wanna hold on into this love , i wanna hope . eveb if it's useless i still wanna feel it . "

Annabelle and chris looked at me like I'm crazy I bet they don't get me even i don't get me , But what to do ? love makes you that crazy .

" You know what , you are heartbroken . do you know what you need ? . " , chris looked at me with a mischievous smile , for a second i thought he had a solution like i said , i tought .

" You need to go out , drink , mingle , see other girls . believe that will mend your heart.  "

The bastard , no help at all.

" chris , First : you know alex doesn'tdrink  . second : Alex doesn't need girls . third : for god sake don't you ever give people advices . "

" Hey , for your information a lot of teenager come to me when they are heartbroken . "

" that explain why all of the teenagers are damaged . "

These two were definitely a distraction but not enough , nothing can replace her .

" You two are no help at all . i'm out of here . "

" That's all your fault you idiot . " , I blocked their bickring when i walked aways , now i'm just walking around these halls with empty brain and a full heart .

My eyes didn't belong to me right now , i'm looking for certain someone . the only one who can calm my raging brain and mend my broken heart .

My legs dragged to certain place , but my heart was leading the direction to where she is . my heart direct me to her . and there she was sittting there lost in her thoughts , those hazel eyes were sad , and that angelic face was swollon . i hated seeing her like that but i knew her disease because it was the same as mine . as we shared the same love we shared the same pain .

" Hey . " , This was meant as whisper only for her . her hazel eyes turned to me , the sadness faded and i was glad i could do that even with one simple word .

" Hey , you . " 

" I missed you . " , these words came out sooner that expected but I can't help those three words stopped from saying the three words i really feel .

The three words i'm trying to forget .

" I missed you too . " , those three words made at ease , comforted me , Told that she didn't forgot you , she still loves you .

I wanted to hear the other three words but those will do now , because we are trying to forget .

" So , It's been a while since i saw , lills . will you go out with me today ? ."

" Alex , ... "

She wanted to protest , i knew what she was thinking about . well i wanted to do that but right now , we are friends , right ? . that's what she wanted to be friends

" Lills , Just like friends . "

" Yeah , Just friends . " ,  I didn't know that these two words can break heart .

" You know that friends  hang out , and go to date too , Friends dates . "

We are acting like two lover who broke up and they are friends but little did we know that's we were friends from the beginning , we were lover in friends image .

there was a brief moment between us , the silence was our compaing but our brains were shouting to many words our mouth couldn't afford to say .

" Alex , If this is so easy to you tell me how are you doing this ? , because clearly i'm doing it wrong . I can't look at you as a friend anymore knowing that i love you  and that you love me . how can we keep doing this if we are holding too many emotions and we know we can never get rid of it ? , Alex I Love you , and i'll never never get trough that . your love is like a curse i don't wanna break . "

" Do you really think that's easy for me ? , looking at you knowing that you will never mine , knowing that you won't be with me for the rest of my life . lillia , there is so much pain inside me right now that i can't even express it . but i don't get to talk about it because your is bigger and your choice is harder . i know it seems easy for me but belive your pain is mine . "

and here i was with the woman that i love . she is so close to me yet so far , the three wors who were suppose to hold us , it tores us apart . 

" Alex , what are we gonna do ? , is this really our fate ? , is this really the end ? , we are bound to this pain forever . do you think it's hard now but eventually we will get over it ? . "

" Lills , Get over you . forgetting you , it's not just hard it's impossible . i don't know how people figure their soulmate, their true one But i know that you are mine , even if you are not really mine . i want you to know that i am and i'll always be yours , I love you . "

" Alex , would you please hold me ? . "

The next thing i knew  , i wrapped my arms around her  and i felt like she melted into my scent . For a minute the world seemed quiete and beautiful , for a minute the world was ours , but just for a minute .

I love you , I need you , I miss you . Those three words who built a whole new world for some people it broke ours .


here I am with another chapter i hope u will like , thanks for all those who like my story and read it .

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