3_ Partners

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lillia P.O.V

"I'm your partner ." , he said like he is proud , he said it like he wanted to be .

he called me by my name , it's not the first time i hear my name being called , but this time i liked it , this guy called me with so much confidence like he knew me for a long time , it's like we are friends .

" partners ? " i heard him from the first time , but for some reason i wanted him to say it again , it just sounded right .

" yes , partners you are lillia , right ? " . and again he said my name with so much gentle , that i wanted him to call me forever.

but then i realized what he really came here for , although he seems a great guy and a nice one , I'm pretty sure he didn't want as a partner like he said , and i don't blame him no one wanterd to be .

" Yes I'm lillia , and i know why are u here so i want you to know it's okay ." i wanted him to know that's okay , but actually it wasn't i really wanted someone to see me as a nice a person , not as a weirdo .

" what's okay ? what are you talking about ."

" i know you don't really want me as a partner , and you are disappointed with what you got , so it's okay i really understand . "

" No , you are wrong i came here to tell you that I'm thrillerd to be with you , i don't know why you are thinking this way , but It's okay being the gentleman i am ill forget what u said and pretent it didn't happen . "

well that was new , he really caught me by suprised , no one was ever exited to be with me , no one told me he was thrilled to work with me , this guy is something else , if i knoq something about him i would say he never judge a book by his cover .

" Oh , please don't get me wrong but I'm new here and in my old place no really wanted to be as a partner with me , so I'm really glad you wanted that , I'm happy to be with u too ."

when i said that i saw the smile in his face , i saw his expression , he was so focused in every word i said , and those green eyes of his just told me to talk more so i did .

" So , let's start from the beginning I'm  lillia hakimi  and you are ? "

" I'm alexander Stanford , but my friends call me Alex . "

" Oh , so we are friends now ."

" well i want us to be , do you want to . " , and again he suprised me , no one wanted to be my friend , no one was this nice to me , i know i sound dramatic not all people were horrible in my life i have a lot of great ones who loves , respected me , but most of them were old , no one at my age wanted that , no as gorgeos as him came near me .

" Yes , Alex I'd love to be your friend . "

the empty hall were filled now , and we were still glued to that floor , no one of us seemed to move , looking at each other was peacefull , at least for me it was , untill a gorgeos called alex from behind , he turned to look at her with a big smile , she was important for his that's for sure .

" well , see you later Lills " , he walked away just like that , Lills , yes that was my nickname , and he just guessed it and I'm so glad he did , it was pleasuring to hear it .

I was snapped up from my thought , i didn't have to turn to know the person there only one person who would talk to me here , well I'm wrong , i made a friend today .

" So , who's that guy you were with ? , he seemed sweet . "

" Yes  he is very sweet and he is my friend Alex . "

" Woohoo , Someone is making friends already , you beated me sis . " , my brother had a big smile on his face  i can tell he was with what i told him .

" Beat you ? , on your own game , I doubt it "

" Yeah , i just got carried away with my feeling , you can never beat me . "

Me and brother shared a great bond he wasn't just a twin , he was my best friends , more like a soulmate he understand me like no one does , if it's not for him and my dad i would never make it .

Alex P.O.V

This was the first time i felt annoyed when i hear Annabelle voice , i was on could nine there , i don't know what to call that feeling exactly , maybe it was my desire for exploring new things or knowing more people , but i know that what i felt with her was amazing , nothing has ever made me feel this way , i was never this thrilled to meet someone , i just can't wait for more .

" You just vanished we couldn't catch you up , what's wrong alex ? " , Annabelle looked at me with her worried eyes as usual , but she was concerned for nothing , she didn't feel good about lillia i can feel it , i can't blame her people say horriblw things about muslims sometimes but that doesn't mean we always have to believe them , annabelle was easily convinced.

" Listen belle , i know you don't feel good about lillia , and you think she is dangerous , but that's not true i talked to her she is reallh nice , and belle since when we judge people even before we get to know them ."

" Yes , you are right I'm just being childish." i saw a guilty and a disappointed look on her face , i know exactly what she was feeling .

" Hey belle , it's okay you don't need to feel horrible about that , i know who you are and i know you are just being the friend that you are , and you know that i like it ."

i finally saw the smile on her pretty face , Belle and chris were one of the greatest people in my life who always made feel worthy and lovable and if lillia is gonna be my friend , its very important for me for them to likw her .

" So , bro how do you like your new partner and why do you care so much for her ? ." , chris question was something that i should've asked my self , " why was she so important ?."

" i guess something in her was really attractive , she was diffrent , simple , pleasing to look at , she was so peacefull and when i talked to her it made want to cling more and to stay besides , i never wanted to let go . "

what i said was all true , she had that affect on me and i barely know her , but i couldn't help it , it was like she controlling me with a string , and the funny things that didn't frighten me at all on the contrary i was pleased , and after i talked to her i knew she was lonely , i saw the sadness and the loneliness in her eyes and that was just asking me to stay and be with her , she is a good person and i just know it .


hey everyone , so here iam with another part , in this two days i got 40 reader and i was so happy and i wanted to thank all of you for you support .

if you read this part please comment and vote I'll really appreciate it to know what u think , love u all 💖💖

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