14_ a girls day

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Lillia P.O.V

" Girls Needs to shop . " 

"No , girls needs to stay home . " 

Annabelle become unstoppable when she is exited , She is taking this friendship so easy . she is really one of kind , sweet , easy-going , and above all she is a soft hearted .

" But , Annabelle i'm still injurned , i can't walk " , i hoped my exuse will stop her but just like i said this girls is unstoppable .

" No , you are not . and what are you thinking turning down shopping ? , do you really want to look like a crap on the galla night ? . " 

Okay , i take back what i said about she being a soft hearted .

" Well , if you put it like that . no i don't wanna look like a crap on such a big event , and you know what i won't protest anymore , i know this is a loosing battle . "

" I love it , when you are so smart . Now , let's go . "

Having friends , shopping , joy all the time . this all seemed surreal , my life was never like that , and by that i mean normal , my life was never that normal . 

pain , insults , rejection , hard feelings . that's what defined my life , it always been like that , till someone changed it , but it was too hard to believe so i called it a beautiful dream .

Dreams stay dreams , they never come true I knew that . But now i prefered to live in that dream and feel every moment of it than thinking about the harsh truth , if this was a dream that the truth was defiently a nightmare .

" You are thinking about what happened , aren't you ? . "

" A lot of things things are happening actually , i don't know what to think about exactly . "

when the car came to a stop , I immediatly went down leaving annabelle behind . i wasn't ready for her question , i can't really explain what's going on right now it's too complicated .

I didn't if belle was a shopping monster or pleased by the first shop , bu i didn't care i just wanted some rest , i didn't want to think about how life is going to be for one second . for one second i wanted to be normal and enjoy this girls day like any normal girl .

" So here we are , you are ready for our shopping day . "

" Oh my god , it's gonna take a day ? . " , Okay now i don't know if this is really gonna be so much fun .

" OMG , Look at yourslef . relax , it's not gonna be this long . but it might if you are not gonna be a good girl . "

If victor didn't kill me , this girl surely is .

Annabelle wasn't a shopping monster , Ok maybe she is . but having her is fun , it's like having a sister and it felt so good , it took us a fine hour or propably took her an hour to pick me a dress . she was doing all the job and honestly she was doing a great one , she finally setteled for a long black dress dress , it wasn't that shiny but it a fancy one and actuallt i loved it .

" Okay , how do i look ? . " ? I asked waiting for her approval , I hope she will like this one because my leg are drop dead .

" Oh my god , so this is how mothers feels when they see thei daughters in their weeding dresses" , she said exitedly like a puppy i couldn't resist my laugh .

" Stop exaggerating . "

" Okay Okay , but you really you look so fine in that dress . alex jaw will drop when he sees you ."

I knew belle meant that as a compliment , but that made my heart stop . Oh alex no matter how i try to stop thinking about you , you are always here .

after we paid for our dresses a more argument with belle if we should call it a day , we settled for at least we should have a meal togheter , and here we are sitting across each other . she was just lost in the view and me in my thoughts .

" Are you thinking about alex again , or about those stuffs . ? "

" A lot of stuffs . " i paused again and belle didn't interrupt because she knew i had more to say wish i did .

" Belle , you love alex don't you ? . " , she gave a fainted smile which i knew there was a story behind that .

" I did . I loved him so much , Back then when i met him we were in high school we were just kids , he was a decent boy , he was so unlike those rich boys who were nothing but jerk all they wanted is to get laid , But then there was alex . he took care of me , respected and loved me as a sister  . that's all what i was to him , i realized that with time . alex never loved me like i did but that never bothered me because i got over ot soon , when i think about it was just a crush maybe something more than that , but it wasn't love either . then i thought maybe someday we will have a chance , but when you came i know we didn't , you know why ? because alex looked at you just the way i was looking at him and even more , He loves you . "

" Is that why you dodn't like me at first because you were jealous maybe ? "

" Maybe , but that wasn't the reason . and lills , please stop saying that , it's not that i didn't like you it just i wasn't that comfortable with you their , it was like an odd change but now i knew that i was wrong , because you are great . and i really want you relationship to work out . "

I wish i can make your wish true annabelle but like i said dream are dream .

" And you know what ? maybe after my confession you will think things will be awkward between us but no . i'm so glad to tell you that maybe i found someone else  who really cares for me and so do and unlike my relationship with alex , this one feels real . "

" Real like love . "

" Real like love . "


Hey you guys i'm back with another chapter i hope you will like

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Forbidden Love .Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz