Chapter 31- "I Love You."

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The following chapter has some graohic and mature content, reader discretion is advised, you have been warned.


Hannah and I went to our next class together, the social science of Spirits, a class that focused on the rankings and abilities of the spirit world. Apparently, angels and demons are nothing more than two different species. Not all demons are bad and not all angles are good. Though angels are ruled by a council or collection of souls, human or otherwise, known as god. Demons, on the other hand, have a less systematic approach to how they run their realm. It was very complex and difficult to wrap my head around.

"Aww." Hannah pouted, her ears falling to the side in disappointment as she looked the schedule she had just rudely taken from my hands, "We have different classes next period."

Slight panic washed over me, "What do you mean?!" I took my schedule back, looking at it frantically as if it would magically change under my unrelenting gaze.

"Look," She pointed to the next period on the schedule, "You have 'Vampiric history' and I have 'Aquatic biology'." Her fluffy white-tipped tail fell, "I guess this is goodbye until tomorrow."

"Wait, I don't know where my next class is, or the one after that." I pleaded with her.

She shrugged, "Vampiric history is down this hallway and to your right, the others I can't help you with." She hopped down the large steps until she disappeared around an unseen corner of the door. I sighed and walked to my next class using the instructions Hannah had given me. Ignorantly walking into a quiet study hall, before rushing out of the ghoul-filled class and hurrying to the correct classroom. All kinds of people stared at me when I entered late. If the bright sun on my uniform didn't label me as new then my tardiness had that covered. My face turned every shade of red as I quietly apologized to the drop-dead gorgeous teacher who stood in the center of the room. Quickly rushing to a seat, I kept my head down and starred at the floor beneath my feet as it past with every step. Once I sat down I raised my gaze to the front of the room. All eyes were on me, some students bowing their heads along with the teacher and others just staring at me in awe.

"It is a pleasure to have you in our class, your majesty." The teacher complemented aloud.

I almost chocked on own spit, looking around the room, I pointed to myself dumbly, "I'm sorry for my tardiness." I raised an eyebrow, "And there is no need for the formalities, I was not raised in this community, so I'm like any other fledgling."

"It is quite alright." The teacher chuckled, "Just don't let it happen again."

I politely nodded my head as she continued her lesson on the social ranking of vampires. The royal council was of the highest ranking, natural-born's being the most highly respected because of their rarity in the world. Vampiric generals and soldiers were below royals, and then came the common vampires. Next were fledglings and finally the rogues. The system was basically set up based on power, the more powerful the vampire the higher their rank. When class was over, a new rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins as I nervously checked my schedule for my next class. 'Lycanthropy'. I fortunately found the classroom just before the bell rang. Taking a seat in the back of the room I once again found that dark eyes followed my new body as I took a seat. A few growls and howls erupted from crowds of attractive men and unnaturally beautiful women that looked inseparable. All the wolves' features were sharp, strong, and oozed of dominance. The musk that lingered in the room was almost suffocating. A man stood in the front of the classroom, his form towering well over the low six-foot range. His dark hair and green-hazel eyes reminded me of Hunter. He glanced at me momentarily before beginning his lesson on the painful process of turning. He explained how the breaking and relocation of bones in their body contributed to their form and how it was essential for their increased agility and strength. He proceeded by showing a very graphic video of the process that almost made me vomit. The werewolves in the room looked unaffected by the grisly images, I on the other hand was very much in pain from just watching the process. The bell finally rang and I was glad to see that my schedule read, 'lunch'. I knew exactly where that was, I walked out of the room with confidence, ignoring the glairs I was getting from the she-wolves. I made my way to the lunch room, sitting quietly at a table, I gazed up at the glass dome that raised high above my head. Nothing illuminated the expansive space except the dim blue-white light of the plumped moon. It's white, brighter half almost winning the battle for dominance on its circular form. I sighed in contempt, starring at its beauty made me feel at peace, as if I belonged, and all I wanted to do was drown in its calming beams of glory. I sat at a lonesome table for the entire period immersed in the shadows of my thoughts. The bell blared to life, reminding me of where I was and where I had to be. I got up quickly shaking my head to refocus my reeling thoughts. 'The literary works of elves' was my next class, or rather, Louis's next class- considering this is his barrowed schedule. I got up and made it into the classroom with time to spare, silently congratulating myself for not making a fool of myself while finding the class and my seat. The class went by fast as the teacher did their best to explain the complex literary system of the elves, who were apparently the center of communications and documentation in the supernatural world. My next class was 'Gym'. I sighed to myself remembering the first gym class I had at this school and dreading the image of what it would be like at night time. I walked onto the field with my gym uniform on, looking around, as I didn't in every class, to see if I recognized anyone. Fiery hair, and a swaying fluffy tail caught my attention, "Hannah!"

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