Chapter 7- Gym

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The bell rang loudly cutting off Maddie as she blabbed about all the upcoming tests she had, the cafeteria soon became chaotic, everyone got up at random times and walked or ran to the one door that led back to the main hallway. I was one of the only people left so I got up from the table and wondered aimlessly until I finally saw Louis outside one of the glass doors. He motioned me to come over. "what took you so long?" I said a little angry

"Can't a guy take a few extra minutes on some errands?"

"ok, grandma." I said under my breath. He shot me a dirty look in response, and all I could do was laugh.

"come on we are already late for business and law."

"fun." I said sarcastically, when we arrived into the room it was once again the same as the others. The whole class looked at Louis and I when the door we entered through made a loud squeaking noise. We took our seats and listened to a lecture on what would happen if we were late again. The class flew by with ease we only learned about the process of getting arrested and going to trial, class was soon dismissed.

"gym time!" Louis said childishly

"well that can't be horrible."

"oh you'd be surprised how intense gym can be." Louis said, we walking in silence once again through the halls then we came to a door. "this is the woman's dressing room. The men's is literally right across the hall." He pointed to another wide set of double doors across the hallway, "that is where I will be, if you need me just wait outside I will probably hear you, but I will see you in a few minutes in the main gym or outside. Will you last that long without me?" he taunted

"I think I'll do just fine thank you" I said turning away, we were only in the locker room for five minutes I changed into shorts and a t-shirt that the gym teacher gave me, it matched what the other girls were wearing. I then followed the other girls through the main gym outside. Like everything else in this school, the field was enormous. There was a track that stretched around the whole grassy field and there was equipment in the center of the it; hurdles, jump ropes, a football goal had ropes going up and down it. The whole thing looked like they took everything you could possibly use in an obstacle course and threw it onto the field. My eyes widened with shock. "wow." Was the only word I could let out. I hadn't noticed how much time I had spent looking at the incredible obstacle course, but I was already starting to fall behind the group.

"Weren't you the one who said that gym was going to be easy?" Louis mocked from behind, I knew he was going to sneak up on me so I prepared myself, but even so my heart skipped a beat. "what? No squeal of fear?" he mused

I rolled my eyes "I knew you were going to sneak up on me this time, didn't I tell you to cut that out?"

"You take the fun out of everything." He pouted

"oh, and I believe I used the words "can't be horrible" while describing gym."

"same difference." he mumbled

The coach blew her whistle loudly to get all the chatting students attention, "Hello, I will be your coach for today," she half yelled "coach Burns will not be here for the rest of the weak due too medical issues." She paused waiting for the students to stop whispering theories to each other, as soon as it quieted down she continued, "Today we will be doing an obstacle course if you haven't already noticed. You must first jump the hurdles, then do fifteen push-ups, to then jump rope for five minutes, next you will climb the rope up the football goal, try not to fall, then back down, and finally you will run two laps around the entire field." My eyes widened, how was I even going to be able to do all that?

"To make the coarse a little more interesting," she continued, "You will be partnering up with your fellow class mates, you may choose your partners now." I immediately looked at Louise who was starring right back at me. My heart began to pound faster as I stared at his perfect features. All of the sudden he was swallowed by a storm of girls who wanted to be his partner.

"Louis why don't you go against me?" one girl said

"No, me!" another argued

"The only reason I'm here during day class hours is because I need to show Emily how we do things at Haven's Academy. So, it's only fair if I partner with her." He looked at me with an innocent look on his face, because he knew what he had done. I glared at him the best I could but his crystal eyes broke me and I just smiled back at him. The girls began to disperse and find other partners each one bumping into me by "accident" or openly cursed at me. A few only whispered amongst themselves sometimes glaring at me when they thought I wasn't looking. Louis walked over as if nothing had happened in the first place.

"so, I guess you're going to have to be my partner. Seeing as everyone already has a partner."

"I guess so" I said playing along, "Thanks for the mob, by the way" I complained

"Oh, it's no problem at all" he said with humor and mischief filling his eyes

"Does everyone have a partner?" two kids raised their hands "Clark go with Zeak."

"Ok, now that that's settled let's get started, form a line behind each starting point with your partner starting on the line opposite to you." We arranged ourselves as she told us

"I will be timing you to see who finishes first." The first two people came up "Ready..., Set..., Start!"

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