Chapter 19- True Creatures

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"Come on brother, surly you'd know this," Kai said, "There had to have been signs. I figured you had put her on the guard for that very reason. Well, that and to protect her." Kai said matter-of-factly

Once again, I looked up at Louis for any sort of answer, "Louis, what does he mean lost royal?"

Kai spoke instead of Louis, "Oh my, lovely not even you knew what you are?"

"Louis what is he talking about?" I asked desperately looking for any inkling of an answer

"I don't know Emily, he is a liar. Though, I cannot tell if he is lying or not." Louis hissed

Kai scoffed, "I have no reason to lie about this, brother. I had simply come to warn you."

"You say that Kai, but you have never done anything to help anyone other than yourself. So why come all this way?"

"Oh my, how your hatred has grown Louis. I have no ulterior motives," Kai said innocently, "what if I just want to help my dear brother, to make a mend for troubled pasts."

"As if I'd ever believe that crap from you." Louis spat

"Would you believe that I was doing this for her," Kai's feline eyes starred strait at me sending shivers down my spine, "Save the lost royal, gain the royals trust, riches, and power. It's a win, win don't you think?"

"Your disgusting." Louis said distaste filled his silky voice

"Leave," Louis commanded, "You are not welcome here, and I will not tolerate your presents any longer."

"I will leave for now, though you should expect my return very soon, brother." Kai backed into the shadows from which he came. As soon as Louis's hold on me loosened I collapsed to the ground, unable to hold my own weight. I hadn't the slighted idea of what just happened. What these creatures were, was beyond my comprehension. As I sat on the damp grass I felt no tears come to my eyes, actually, I felt nothing but astonishment and perplexity even a little relief, because I knew that I had been fully dragged into this mess and that meant that I would finally get some answers. Louis pulled me off the ground and we swiftly mad our way to the girl's dormitory. We passed Cora's group on the way and Louis told them to keep patrolling without us, even though the threat was most likely gone. We made our way up to my bedroom and a soon as I sat on the bed Louis was pacing the room, his hands messily grabbing his black hair as he mumbled to himself.

"Louis," I said in an attempt to calm him. He ignored me and continued to pace the room, "Louis!" I shouted, his clear eyes snapped to mine though he said nothing, "Calm down." I said reassuringly

He strode over and sat next to me on the bed, "How are you dealing with all of this?" He asked honestly

I shrugged and gripped the edge of the bed to keep my hands from shaking, the truth was I was scared. Scared of what was happening around me, scared of whatever Kai accused me of being. But, I wouldn't let Louis know that, so I just shrugged, "I don't know, I sort of knew there was something strange going on with you guys and that you were different." I laughed, "It's a relief you know. Now that I am certain that you guys aren't human I know that I am not going insane. I tried to convince myself it was stress." I laughed humorlessly and let my head hang as I starred at the tops of my thighs.

"What do you think we are?" Louis asked, his husky voice filling the space of the room

"That question has puzzled me ever since I met you." I answered honestly

He laughed, "You have done the same to me."

I looked up at him in confusion, "You want to know why I let you on the guard?" He responded. I nodded, lost in his eyes, "It was simply because you were a mystery to me. The first time we met like any other person you didn't even realize that I was there. Yet, unlike everyone else, you were able to catch me off guard." He thought for a minute, "The same thing happened when I was carrying you after you finished your entrance exam. But what made me decide to let you join the guard, was the obstacle course. I have never seen a human run at the speed you did. You came very close to beating me but I never once doubted your humanity." He looked down at me once again, as if to search the depths of my soul for the answer he was looking for. After a short while, playfulness filled his eyes, "I know your dying to ask."

"To ask what?" I played dumb

"If you don't want to know I don't have to tell you." He answered playfully, leaning closer to me.

"Louis," I said in a serious tone, "It may actually drive me insane if you don't tell me."

"Then ask." He said, his breath fanned my ear.

"Louis," I began

"Yes?" a shiver ran down my spine as his lush voice filled my ear.

"If you're not human, then what are you?" I finished

"Guess." He whispered, a breath escaped my chest as he nibbled the edge of my ear.

"Louis," I grabbed his shoulders and pulled away from him, "This is serious, I truly want to know."

He pouted, "Come on miss 170, your smart enough to figure it out."

I sighed, "Can I at least have a hint?"

His eyes lost their playful edge, "Are you sure you want to know?" I nodded, "I am like my brother." He finally said. The image of Louis with feline eyes and pointed canines filled my mind and I immediately knew. How could I have missed it? The speed and beauty. Plus, he's in the freaking night class! How could I have missed it? I mentally scolded myself for being so blind.

I looked up at louis, he wore a look of frustration and anticipation. He knew that I had put the puzzle pieces together and he was only awaiting my reaction. Internally I should have been scared, there sitting next to me was a beast who survived on the blood of innocents. However, he has done nothing that would make him dangerous in my eyes, yet. He has actually tried his best to protect me from all of this. I took a deep breath to calm my rushing pulse, "If any myth I have ever heard is true," I looked up at him again, his eyes were locked on mine and waiting, "Then all the signs point to you being a vampire." I couldn't believe the words coming from my own mouth. It all just felt like fiction, but it wasn't. This was real and happening, I was sitting next to a predator in human form.

I couldn't read his expression any longer, "Are you afraid?" he asked seriously

Was I? No, the entire guard was there to protect the school, not to harm it. There was absolutely no reason to be afraid of them. It was actually sort of comforting to know that there were capable and dependable people guarding the school. Though capable or not they still weren't human, and were very much dangerous, "No." I said simply

His eyes widened in a moment of disbelief, then they contorted. His crystal eyes were locked onto mine as his pupils contracted into slits. While his already pointed canines extended ever so slightly. I took in the terrifying beauty that starred back at me. This creature was truly spectacular, "How about now?" he whispered

I couldn't help but raise my hand to caress his cheek. I let my hand trail down and trace his jaw line until my fingertips made it to his lips. My thumb brushed over his bottom lip and he shivered in response to my touch. His skin was not cold like the folktales claim, it really had no distinct temperature, "No." I whispered bringing my hand down. The corners of his mouth raised slightly and a mischievous glint lit up in his eyes. He barely shifted his weight off the covers, before he was behind me. The movement was so fast that I didn't even see him move, but the hard muscles of his chest and abdomen were presses against my back and his face was nuzzled in my neck. His lips were pressed against my neck and I could feel every word he said against my skin, "How about now?" he said darkly.

I took a shallow breath and relaxed my shoulders, "No, Louis, I am not afraid of you."

He appeared in front of me again, his face had returned to its 'normal' form, "You're no fun." He teased    

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