Chapter 3- A beautiful boy

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"Hello?" I asked half shouting, I was right, the sound did eco but when no one answered, I was sure that I was alone. I waited in silence for a while, then turned to leave.

"Hello there." a low, male voice whispered in my ear the sound was soft and velvety. My sneaker squeaked when I came to an abrupt stop. He was so close that felt his breath on my ear, but I heard no footsteps no other sound besides his voice. I whipped my head around and exhaled when I saw no one. It's just your imagination, I reiterated to myself. As began to walk out again I felt a hand grab my arm. My brain didn't have time to process what was happening, before I acted. I twisted my arm out of the persons' grip and quickly grabbed their wrist and twisted it behind their back, then I kicked the back of the person's knees so that they would buckle under. I had the stranger on their knees, arms folded behind their back in five seconds flat. I was behind the person so I couldn't see any of their facial features. However, the person was clearly male, with pitch-black hair. It was cut short around the outside of their head and just a little longer on the top. I stood above him in a moment of triumph, even thought it was clear that I hadn't been stronger than him rather he was caught off guard. He did not struggle but instead chuckled darkly.

"Jumpy, are we?" he mocked in a smooth voice.

"Sorry, it's not every day a lunatic comes popping out of nowhere." I taunted back, then just like that he was out of my grip and I was in the same position that he was in, it must have taken him 3 seconds to get me like that, he had my wrists in his hands and I was kneeling on the floor. I felt his weight shift then herd his voice in my ear again.

"It's not every day we get visitors." He pulled me up to my feet fluently and dragged me alongside him, his feet glided over the floor easily, making light pounding noises as if intentionally. We stopped in the entrance were my bag was, he placed me in front of him. A breath escaped my chest as I stared at his perfect features. His face was perfectly symmetrical, his jaw line was sharp and strong, and his lips were full, their color seeming to contrast his skin. He looked like a god. However, his eyes were the most spectacular; they were so light blue that they were almost clear, as if his irises were made of glass. we stood there, silent, for a moment before I realized I was staring. He snapped his fingers sharply in front of my face. I smiled sheepishly and he rolled his eyes as if this happened way too often. I wouldn't be surprised if it did. He took a step back and inhaled deeply.

"shall we start over?" he asked formally, "My name is Louis, Louis Smith" He paused expecting an answer from me but I couldn't seem to find the words. When I didn't answer, he prompted "and you are?" I was still studying his perfect features and trying to get my pulse to slow down. "Hello?" he waved his hand in front of my face "earth to nameless."

"Oh," I snapped out of my trance "Sorry, my name is Emily Fryer." I began "I am a new student but it seems the school is closed."

"well, Emily, I think you're at the wrong place," he paused, the look on his face seemed confused, like that was the most obvious thing in the world. "you see," he continued "we don't often get visitors here." He thought for a moment "actually we almost never get new students. Throughout the middle of the year."

"what are you saying?"

"First off, this school is one of the most prestigious schools anybody can get into, And it's not as if we don't receive new students. It's just that there's an entrance exam that you must pass first and, not many students pass. On top of that, the exam is only given at the end of each year to get new students to register for the following year and that is the only time they allow students to enter."

"I don't remember taking an entrance exam. Is there any way I could take it now?" He thought for a moment,

"We should go to the headmaster and see what he thinks we should do." Before I could respond we were already out the door, walking on the rocky path that lead to a small building with a sign that read OFFICE on it. The automatic doors slid open to reveal a large office with a desk in the center, a swivel chare behind it, behind that a massive bookshelf stood filled with different books. A slender man sat the desk preoccupied with work, but as soon as we stepped in the room his head snapped up. He was an older man but strangely he also looked young. He smiled at me and nodded slightly.

"Louis," he said politely then looked at me, "and who might this be?" Louis just flashed a pearly white smile at him and explained my situation.

"Oh, I see," the man said. He took out a paper and pointed to the seat in front of the desk. I sat down obediently and clenched my hands under the table.

"well, Emily," he hesitated at my name, "it seems that Mr. Smith is right, there will be no easy way of getting you in but I will see what I can do for you." He looked down at his papers, "are you sure you signed up to come here?" he asked for reassurance,

"Absolutely" I answered simply

"Okay, well, I'm just going to need some basic information so we can figure this out." He looked down at the paper in front of him and began. "Name?"

"Emily Rose Fryer."

"Date of birth?"

"September 1."




"none." I shook my head.

"Blood type." He looked up when I didn't answer immediately

"why would you need that?"

"Just in case there was a medical emergency where you would need a blood transfusion, there aren't many hospitals around so we have doctors at hand here and we need to know some basic medical information."

"AB negative" he looked up at me for a second before continuing with another series of questions relating to health insurance and my background. He then politely asked me to step out for a moment so he and Louis could discuss some issues. About twenty minutes later Louis finally came out, "what were you just guys discussing for that long?" I asked curiously. He thought for a moment as if debating whether to tell the truth or not.

"we were deciding if little miss 170 should stay." He said mockingly, I rolled my eyes but I couldn't tell if he was lying.

"Come on back inside." The headmaster called from inside, I looked at Louis as if to ask why.

"You have to take your entrance exam." He answered immediately.

"now!?" I said worried, "I haven't even studied, Hell, I don't even know what is going to be on it!"

"Calm down, you will be fine," he tried reassuring me

We walked back into the small building and theheadmaster walked with me to a small room of to the right of his office. He gave me four separate scantrons and 4 thick packets. They were labeled social studies, math, English, and science. How will I ever get this done! I Didn't study! I'm going to fail. Yup. Guaranteed failure right here. "You may begin whenever you want, but you must finish by the end of today. As for the questions,themselves they are pretty self-explanatory." Then he walked out, I looked down at the piles of tests in front of me, took a deep breath in and out, and began with English.

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