Chapter 26- A Vampire's Kiss

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I was in a strange room. Lying on my back, the harsh beams of a skylight above me, illuminated the dim room. I was completely bare, besides my lower body being covered by a stiff white sheet. My hands had been placed at my sides, palms facing down without any restraints. I sat up, looking to my right where small metal table stood with strange tools scattered across its surface. I realized that I had been lying on a metal table as well. A morgue? I thought. It was strangely quiet, no one seemed to be around. Well, besides the sets of dead bodies lying on tables around me. Some covered, while others were bare and cut open. I sat quietly, not sure of what had happened or what to do now. Why is it so damn quiet? I thought, getting annoyed by the silence, and the looming feeling of death in the air. My mind slowly pushed all the events that had happened into my conscious thought, and realization struck me hard. I had died. Though, for being dead for god knows how long, I felt strangely good. There were no aches in my muscles or scares on my flesh. Not even an indication that my body had begun to decompose. Unlike the blue-skinned dead around me, my skin was creamy and clear of any imperfections. As a matter of fact, I felt nothing. No hum of my heart thudding, or rising and falling of my chest as I took in oxygen. I had become completely still, the hum of activity that occurred with a functioning body, had not been present. Was I still dead? I thought. I felt alive, though I realized that I should have died. My body had no doubt rejected the turn. The silence broke suddenly with the distant sound of a door opening. My head snapped toward the noise, and relief flooded over me as I recognized the voice that spoke. I quickly gathered the fabric that had covered the lower half of my body and wrapped it around my entire form, in an attempt to cover my naked flesh.

"Any changes?" I head the familiar voice ask, hope and worry filled his words.

"We are about to check on her, but for the past two weeks we've only seen small changes in her skin and eyes. Last time I checked her internal wounds were healing at an accelerated rate though not nearly as fast as they should, and her eyes began to turn a strange shade of red." The other voice said as they approached the room I was in. The door opened and his diamond eyes fell upon me. Under his gaze I did not know what to do, I felt oddly vulnerable. I turned and placed my bare feet on the cold floor. I had not realized the frigid temperature of the room, though I could feel it, the cold did not cause me to shiver or bumps to rise on my flesh. I turned toward Louis's wide eyes, he looked shocked and apprehensive, as if he was contemplating whether this was real or not. I took a step towards him, my eyes curiously wondered his body before pausing at his lips and landing on his eyes once again. His body tensed as I gracefully strode towards him. I heard his pulse set into motion and his breaths become shallow. I paused in front of him, my fresh eyes boring curious holes into his gaze. He reached out to stroke my soft cheek, and the corners of his mouth rose in disbelief. It was like he couldn't believe I was there, that I was alive. His touch sent my silent heart into motion, it fluttered to life and with it a breath filled my chest.

"Louis!" the man next to him shouted a warning, "Step away from her, we still do not know how she is possibly alive and she could be a threat." He explained himself. My eyes snapped to the man who was about five feet away from us, his shifted back and forth under my intense gaze, and I narrowed my eyes at him. Louis dropped his hand from my cheek and I turned my attention back to him. "Step away, Louis." The man threatened again. A feral growl escaped my lips before I could realize what was happening. I glared at the man again, He was telling Louis that I was dangerous and that I was a threat. I thought bitterly.

Louis's smooth voice filled my ear as he placed a gentle hand on my head and stroked my hair lovingly, "Shh," He whispered softly to calm me down, "Calm down, your emotions are a bit heightened." He explained why I was feeling so threatened by the man, "I'm not going anywhere." He confirmed tenderly. My pulse's speed decreased at his serine gesture. "You must be more careful Mr. Reid, She could have easily attacked you," He addressed the man, "I appreciate all that you have done for Emily, though it seems that your assistance is no longer needed. I will take it from here and inform you if you are needed." The man grumbled and left the room. "You did a good job controlling yourself." Louis praised once we were alone, "Tell me, what the fuck happened." His words were harsh, though I knew he was content because his smile lit up when my voice left my lips.

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