Nadine and I and Demi got in her g-wagon and she proceeded to take Nadine to her grandmothers house. It was a quiet drive over "bye Nadine, thanks for coming i had a lot of fun." I smiled as I walked her to her door step. "It was no problem, I also had a lot of fun. I hope you had a good late birthday, I'll see you late okay."

I nodded "I had a great day. It was nice seeing you again." We hugged and then she left to go inside and I went back to the car "thank you demi for today, it was amazing."



Here Me and Hallie are sitting with some important news lady named Kelsea talking about the recent things that have occurred in mine and Hallies life. I'm not telling people to get their pity, or sympathy, We're telling our story to help bring awareness, that domestic abuse does happen, it's not okay.

"Hi, welcome Demi and Hallie for being here." Kelsea softly smiled,

"Thank you for having us." I replied, I was really nervous, I didn't know what questions were going to be asked or anything. "So demi, we understand that you and Guilherme had gotten a divorce and he was arrested correct?"

I nodded, "Yes ma'm."

"Can you tell us more about that?"

"Well I wanna start with, I'm here today because of my family, my support system, my Lovatics, I know there are some people out there that had or are going through what me and Hallie have been through. We aren't asking for pity or sympathy we are here to bring awareness. I want to say that don't blame myself or think that in any way shape or form that i deserved what happened to me and Hallie." I wrapped my arm around Hallie seeing as she started to tear up,

"One night, I got very drunk, very very drunk and I regret it. I can't take it back but it happened I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, there was a guy who had taken advantage of me that night, I had no memory of it, I remembered drinking and waking up next to this man. A few weeks go by and I find out that I'm pregnant, I was terrified, I blamed myself, I hated myself." I couldn't help but start to cry as I reveled my darkest secrets.

"I tell Guilherme and he changed. He turned into a monster, I loved him, you don't spend 20 plus years with a guy and have two children and not love them and want to fix the marriage. Guilherme started to become verbally abusive, but I ignored it and passed it off as nothing. The more I tried to fix it the worse the abuse started. He started drinking, cheating on me saying he was evening it out, calling me a whore, slut, crazy, home wrecker, everything. Then he stated physically beating on me. I would have bruises, cuts, all over my body. At that point I knew there was no fixing the marriage. He would throw glass plates, vases, cups, even slammed me into walls, and smash my head into the granite counter."

I wiped my tears, and Kelsea had given me some tissues, "you were still pregnant through all of this right?"

"Yes I was, I was still undecided on what to do. So one day after I couldn't take anymore, because he had sexually assaulted me. Anytime someone doesn't consent to having sex or anything and even if you guys are married doesn't make it okay, it's still rape. I packed up clothes and Hallie packed and we left. I knew if I had left Hallie he would probably kill her, so we flew to Texas and I stayed with my parents. I thought we were safe, but then he showed up and gave me the mother of all best downs. He broke my jaw and my nose, which is why I have this scar on my nose. He beat me until I was unconscious and I don't remember much. But I woke up in the hospital and he had been arrested for domestic abuse, child endangerment, and murder. I was confused as too why they charged him with murder, but I soon enough realized he had killed the unborn baby."

"Oh my god, demi I'm so sorry." Kelsea apologized. "Hallie what was it like for you?"

"It was scary, you know the worst thing for a kid is seeing your mother cry, or hurt, and everyday I saw her cry and being beat on. He would yell and yell and yell for hours and then just beat on my mom as if she was a rag doll. It hurt so much, I would try to stop him but he would just push me down or shove me into walls. The police were called a lot, they would remove him from the home and demi wouldn't press charges because she wanted to fix the marriage, she believed there was hope. But he would come back and just yell at her some more, I don't blame my mom for any of this, because it's not her fault. It's the guy who took advantage of my mom that night. He could of stopped it, he wasn't drunk. He was stone cold sober, he knew exactly what he was doing." Hallie cried, I gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

"So, you are taking a break from music for a little bit just to get back on your feet."

I nodded "not a long break because music is my therapy."

The interview took a long time and a lot of tears but it's okay because it was some heavy shit. We went back to the apartment and Hallie went straight to my bed and fell asleep. I just went to lay on the couch to watch some tv when the doorbell rang. I got up and put the bag of chips on the counter.

I opened the door and who my eyes looked at shocked me. "Wilmer?"


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It's Just Hallie | Daughter of Demi Lovato |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें