"Hey, forget about it, the past is the past yeah?" I say, lifting his head up. He smiles at me, this time a real one.  He nods quickly and hugs me again. When he pulls away, I give him a pat on the back. "I'll see you around Liam" he says before walking away. "Yeah, see you Zayn" I say, feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. That's one problem fixed at least.

I jog quicker than before with a smile on my face. I'm glad I fixed things with Zayn. Sure, I still feel a bit of hate towards him for doing all that to me but hopefully, with a little time, I can fully forgive him and maybe even become friends with him. When I reach Louis', the sweat is dripping off of me. I knock on his door three times and try to catch my breath. "It's open Liam" I hear Louis shout and I open the door and step inside. Louis walks out of the kitchen, only in his boxers and slippers, with a mug of tea and the roses. "Ewh god Louis, you wouldn't think of throwing on clothes before I came." I say, covering my hand over my eyes.

I mean, its not like he's completely naked but still. It's sorta uncomfortable. "Oh admit Liam, you love it" he says, joking. "You wish" I say, laughing. I move my hand away from my eyes since it looks like Louis isnt going to get dressed anytime soon. When I do, Louis is eyeing me up and down. "What?" I ask him, confused. "Well one, you need a shower because your'e all sweaty and smelly and I'm pretty sure Niall wouldn't like that and two, what the hell are you wearing?" He says, putting his head up as if he was royalty. I just roll my eyes at him. "Go upstairs, second room to the left, shower there. I'll find you nice clothes. We are probably the same clothes size anyway." Louis says, sipping his tea and walking into the kitchen.

I go upstairs and find the bathroom. I quickly strip down my clothes and step into the hot water. It relaxes my sore muscles. I quickly wash my hair and body before stepping out. I dry myself off quickly and that's when I realize how badly the need to pee is. I go quickly to the toilet and drop the towel and release myself. "I think these will fit Lia-" Louis says, opening the door with wide eyes. I litterally squeal and turn away from him, trying not to pee on the floor. This is extremly awkward. "Now I know why Niall loves you, your'e huge mate." Louis says and I turn my head to glare at him, my cheeks burning. "Louis, get out and stop perving on me" I shout at him. "I'm going, i'm going " He says, dropping the clothes at the door and walking away laughing. Idiot.

After that extremly awkward moment with Louis, I throw on his clothes and see that they fit perfectly. And are way different to what I usually wear. "Louis, are you sure about this look? It's a lot different to what I usually wear." I shout to Louis as I stare into the mirror. My curls are still wet even after I towel dried it. I'm wearing a white vest top, black skinny jeans, a demin jacket and my watch. And for once, I'm not wearing converses. I'm wearing white supra high tops on my feet instead. It doesn't really look good with my curls but I don't want to say it to Louis or else he'll think I'm being a girl. "Come down, I got a suprise" Louis shouts and I hear high pitched giggle which is not Louis. What is he planning now?

I stare with wide eyes. "Nope, no, no, not a hope" I say, covering my hair. Louis rolls his eyes at me before making me sit on the chair. "Trust me, Lou is an expert. She does my hair all the time and she's also my cousin so trust her. She'll do a good job." He says, trying to reassure me. "But-" I try to say but Louis interrupts me before I can say anymore. "Butts are for sitting" he says, laughing. "Think of it Liam, as much as you look cute and adorable, you want to have an older look. Especially if you're meeting Niall's parents. You don't want them to think your a cute little kid, do you?" He says, lifting his eyebrows. I let out a heavy breath. I hate to admit it but he's right. "Fine, just make it look good ok?" I say, crossing my arms.

"Don't worry love, I'll make you look so hot that Niall wont be able to resist you" Lou( Louise really) says, smiling down at me. "So what will I do Liam?" she asks and I look in the mirror Louis placed in front of me. "Mmm I don-" I get interrupted once again by Louis. "It's me who is deciding this one actually Lou" he says smiling before whispering things into her ear. He then lets her do her job and I nearly cry when I see bits of my curls fall on the ground. It took so long to get them that curly. But Louis is right. I need to look much older to impress Niall's parents. I don't want them to see me as a 'little kid'. I wish I could see what she is doing but Louis put a shirt over the mirror so I wouldn't see. I just have to sit and watch all my curls fall to the ground. It's torture. After about 15 minutes later, she is putting hairspray into it and turns the chair around so I am looking at her. She smiles sweetly at me which I return. She gels my hair, which I find weird. I never used hair gel in my hair before.

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz