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It was warm, too warm. I tried to kick the blanket off me when I felt something tightening around my waist. Cracking my eyes open, I looked up to see Jackson sleeping still. Oh right.

He was breathing evenly with a slight frown on his face as he dreamt about something. I reached my hand up to smoothen the creases between his eyebrows, smiling as he leaned into my touch.

I laid there, staring at him for a while more before trying to lift his arm to go get ready. Jackson started mumbling in his sleep, frowning again and hugging me tighter.

"Seunnie?" I said, trying to shake him awake, only for him to pull me even closer.

Well, here goes nothing. I thought to myself, leaning down to kiss his nose before leaning back. I kissed his cheeks followed by his eyelids, but he still stayed asleep.

Okay, Plan B. I leaned down to kiss his lips, slowly trailing kisses down to his neck, causing him to groan before his eyes fluttered open.

"I could get used to waking up like that" Jackson smirked, his voice hoarse.

"I need to go" I said, trying to lift his arm off me again. Jackson frowned, "Why?"

"I need to go... well go..." I muttered, wasn't it embarrassing enough that he caught me enjoying myself a bit too much waking him up?

Laughing, Jackson finally unwrapped himself from me and leaned back. "Hurry back" he said, his eyes slowly drooping shut again.

I did my business and ended up getting ready in my room. Since I was the only one up, as usual, I went through my morning routine of making breakfast for the others.

Mark was the first one to enter the dining room. "It smells good" he said, reaching into the cupboards to get cutlery for all of us.


We were all seated and eating, except for Jackson, when Bam got up and skipped to Jackson's room. Jackson's schedule was packed, and he didn't look too well recently. It came to a point where we would let him sleep in if we didn't have anything on in the morning.

I heard laughter and smacking before Bam ran out of Jackson's room. Laughing while holding onto a shirt. Jackson came out of his room shirtless, his hair still wet from his shower, while staring at Bam.

"Don't make me go there and grab you" Jackson said, slowly stalking forward.

Bam visibly gulped and raised his hands to surrender, "Eyy Hyung, you know I'm just messing with you".

Smiling, Jackson lunged forward and grabbed Bam, tickling him until he fell to the floor. Laughing still, Jackson grabbed his shirt, throwing it on before lending his hand out to pull Bam up.

I sat stunned as I was watching them. I knew that Jackson has always been close to Bam, but I couldn't help but feel jealous. Not to mention that he didn't say anything when they asked about us just the night before. What are we? Why am I feeling so insecure?

I wanted to escape into my room, I didn't know what or how to react then, when everyone else was laughing along at them. Jackson looked my way as I stood up, he tilted his head in question, but I ignored his gaze.

"I'm tired" I muttered, dumping my plate into the sink before fleeing to the safety of my room. I locked my door, before sinking to the floor with my back against the door. I feel so dumb now. I thought, running a hand through my hair.

Sighing, I grabbed my earpiece and a book before throwing myself on the bed. Time to escape the best way I know how.

A/N: for those that love JackBam, sorry but no. I'll just add this here anyway...

 I'll just add this here anyway

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It's you (Jinson/Jackjin)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt