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"So mango is the best" I said.

"Mango juice" Bambam said.

"Jin-Junior so what food do you like?" I asked, turning to Jinyoung.

Caught off guard he asked into the mic "what?"

"Green mango or yellow mango?" I asked as I turned to Jinyoung. We were at a fan meeting and the host was asking all kinds of questions which I relayed to the rest of the members.

"I like you" Jinyoung said. His eyes widen in shock before laughing. Oh gosh, my heart skipped a beat.

Stunned, I looked at the fans before turning back to Jinyoung and said, "I'm not a food okay!". He burst out laughing, covering his face as he started to blush as well. I loved that I could make him flustered like that.

The members started to laugh, while Jinyoung covered his face. The host started asking something else which I didn't hear as I left the mic back onto the table before turning back to Jinyoung.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, leaning nearer towards him. Blushing and smiling still, he nodded while slowly lowering his hands. He folded his hands onto his knees under the table. Looking at his hands, I couldn't help myself and reached over to put my hand on his.

I looked back at the fans and tried my best to pay attention to the host again. I caught Jinyoung looking at me from the corner of my eyes but pretended not to notice. Turning his right hand, I slowly intertwined our fingers while smiling at the fans.

The rest of the fan meet went alright, and I continued to hold his hand throughout, he didn't let go of my hand which I was happy about. I slowly let go of his hand only towards the end of the fan meet. I glanced and smiled at him when I did, looking for any reaction on his face. He smiled back a shy smile that stabbed my heart as we stood up and bowed to the fans. We waved before exiting to the backstage area and back into the van.

 We waved before exiting to the backstage area and back into the van

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It's you (Jinson/Jackjin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora