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''Man my fucking wife just kicked me out, I told her everything''

''Bro, are u dumb?'Oh man you should have just made up a story'

''I know, but my fucking little brother saw me and he threatened me to tell her by myself otherwise he would have told her everything, but Youngbae, I don't know where to go know, can I please stay at your place for now?''

''Yeah of course man''

''Is Chaelin at home?''

''No, I think she went out with Minzy to get some stuff u kno''

--- --- ---

'' okghay hold on, hold on, you can fucking see meee???''

Jeongguk glanced at the man who was clearly on drugs ''Uhm, yeah man I can see you why''

He was 'dancing' some steps and couldn't stand on his feet properly.

''Noooo, hehe, UUUUU CAN'T HIHIHIHII'' he was shouting and pointing a finger on Jeongguk pretenting to execute magic. 

''What fucking drugs did u take and why the fucking door wasn't locked??'', Jeongguk's eyes went straight to Jimin. 

Jimin just scratched his neck. 

''But brojidjfj, Whyyyyy are u fucking naked in here alone ahahahh?'', the boi started to laugh. 

''I had some stuff to do''

''Some stuff or to do youuuuuuu hihiihhi''

''Boi wtf, get out and sober up'' Jeongguk watched him leaving the room. 

''That was fucking weird'', Jimin uttered. 

''Boi it is not fucking weird for u, I'm sitting here naked with my pants on my ankles 'alone' ''

Meanwhile Jeongguks dick went to its limp form again. 

''Man I couldn't even finish u off properly, cuz of this fucking weird dude''

''U kno what?''



''Ahhhhhhh'' Jimin moaned instead of screaming. 

''Naughty boi''


We put on our clothes and ran out of the bar. 

Damn I'm glad this dude was fucking on drugs, so he won't remember me. 

But Idc what people think of me. It doesn't matter, cuz I'm the weird guy of the city anyway.

We wanted to walk a little while, since the weather was really nice and warm at night at this day. 

Did I mention that I like the orange street lamps?

They are so fucking smooth and making me calm. 

I like to walk sometimes at night and now with Jimin it's even better. 

Idk how long we know eachother now, 3 months I think now or idk.

But this man has affected me on so many ways. 

Of course in my sex life hehe

but also on my personality.

It feels like I can be more of myself.

And even though we are joking all the time and treating us like shit 4 fun, it's just like he made me to be proud of what I am. 

Okay shit is getting deep now. 

''Uhm, Jeongguk I know u maybe don't want to talk about it but what happened to ur parents?''

Talking about my parents, wow he hit a sensitive spot now

But it's okay, I can tell him, because it's him.

''No it's okay, I can tell you''

We sat down on a bench near a river. 

''I think it's now 6 and a half years ago since my parents died. I was 14 at that time. They got in a car accident. They were driving on the highway and wanted to go on a trip to Indonesia since they were married for 35 years and because they met there on a class trip. But then on the highway..

I felt tears on my cheek

I know it happened 7 years ago, but it's still feeling like it was yesterday for me. 

Jimin wiped the tears off my cheeks ''You can stop, if you don't want to talk further''

''No it's okay, I want to tell you''

He smiled and wiped another tear off my face. 

''..On the highway a car bumped into them and since it was kind of higher up there, they lost the control of their car and they fell from 10 metres to the ground of another street. They could've survived this but, the car was overturning and they fell on their heads and died.''

I started crying again. 

''Jimin, why did they had to die there, why.. they were the most loving parents of all I've known, I loved them so much, my father always wanted me to take over his company when I would be grown up, he trusted me..''

''Jeongguk I know it was and is hard for you, but everything has a reason and your parents are on a better place now.''

''I know they are..''

Jimin hugged him, he wanted to comfort him in such a situation. 

Although he always says he hates his parents and that he would rather die than go to them again, he thought about it and they are still his parents even after what happened. 

He can feel Jeongguks pain.

--- --- --- --- ---

Damn, it's getting deep again here. 

I hate my fucking teacher. 

I have exams the next 3 weeks and yeah 

I'm fucked up





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