Jade looked up and her eyes widened as she caught sight of a familiar beautiful blonde walking through the door. It can't be her, Jade thought. She quickly and discreetly checked her breath and turned to look at Perrie again. Her heart dropped as she watched Perrie walk in, revealing a small blonde girl holding tightly to her hand. 

I can't believe she has a kid. Well, yes I can. She's beautiful, Jade thought miserably. "Someone go help the woman," Jesy called from the kitchen. She was on cooking duty with Leigh Anne today. "I got it," Jade replied, slowly lowering herself off the counter and adjusting her apron as she made her way over to Perrie.

"Follow me please to your table," Jade said, plastering a warm smile on her face. She quickly turned and led the way over to a booth in the corner, with a large window right next to it. "I'll be your waitress today," Jade said as Perrie helped her daughter into the booth next to her. Perrie opened her mouth to say something, but Jade cut her off.

"Here's your menus," Jade said, placing two menus in front of Perrie. "Thank you," Perrie replied, looking like she wanted to say something else. "I'll be back in a couple of minutes," Jade said, turning around and starting to walk away. "You're beautiful," the little girl giggled suddenly.  

Jade whirled around. "Huh?" she asked. "I said you're beautiful," the little girl repeated. "Oh, thank you," Jade smiled. The little girl hopped out of the booth and went to stand in front of Jade. "I'm Lily Mae Edwards," Lily said, puffing out her chest and sticking her hand out. "Well Lily Mae Edwards, I'm Jade Amelia Thirlwall," Jade replied, shaking Lily's hand. "My mommy is Perrie Louise Edwards. Isn't that really pretty?" Lily grinned. 

"It's lovely," Jade replied, looking at Perrie over Lily's head and raising her eyebrows. Perrie shook her head slightly. Jade looked back down at Lily. "I need to go help other customers now. I'll come back in a few minutes, okay?" Jade smiled down at Lily. "Yeah!" Lily exclaimed, letting Jade help her into the booth. 

Jade sighed as she limped away from the booth, her foot throbbing. I've done too much, Jade thought. I'll help Perrie. Then, I'll be done, Jade decided. Suddenly, her boot went out from under her and she closed her eyes, expecting to crash to the floor. Instead, she felt a pair of warm arms surround her. For a brief moment, Jade thought it was Perrie who had stopped her from falling. 

"Be more careful Jadey," the voice chuckled from above. Jade's eyes shot open, a wide smile spreading on her face. "Jed?" She said, hardly daring to believe it was him. "It's me," Jed replied, setting Jade back upright. Jade rushed forward and flung her arms around Jed. "I can't believe you're back," Jade whispered. She leaned back and smiled, then smacked Jed on the arm. "Ow!" Jed cried. "That was for not writing to me like you promised and making me worried sick!" Jade said. 

"And this is for coming back," Jade said, throwing her arms around Jed and hugging him tightly again. "I'll try to write you letters next time," Jed replied. "Wait, next time?" Jade asked, stepping away. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Perrie staring at her and Jed, her expression unreadable. "Hey, Jed!" Jesy said, coming out of the kitchen and giving Jed a quick hug. "Hi Jesy," Jed smiled, casually putting an arm around Jade's shoulder. Jade leaned into Jed and smiled. 

Jed and Jade had been friends since preschool. When they were seniors in high school, Jed and Jade started dating. They dated up until their junior year of college, when Jed came out to Jade as gay, saying he had only discovered that about himself about a month prior to when he told Jade. They obviously broke up, but remained best friends. Jed had been studying overseas at a military base camp for the past year. It was obviously dangerous, and Jade hadn't wanted him to go. When he hadn't contacted Jade, she had assumed the worst.  

"Jade, you shouldn't waitress any more today," Jesy said. Jade shook off Jed's arm and stood straighter. But I have one more person," Jade replied defiantly, gesturing to Perrie and her daughter. "I'll leave you two to sort this out, I need to go say hi to my folks," Jed said, hugging Jade one last time. "Bye Jed," Jade called as the door swung shut behind him. 

"Look Jade, why don't you go sit with them? The little girl was obviously taken a liking to you," Jesy suggested. Jade sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with Jesy. "Fine," Jade hobbled over to Perrie's table and collapsed in the booth across from her and Lily. "You're back!" Lily cheered. "Yes I am, my foot started hurting so Jesy told me to sit here," Jade replied. 

"Who's Jesy?" Lily asked. "That one going back in to the kitchen," Jade pointed at Jesy. "Cool!" Lily giggled. "How old are you Lily?" Jade asked. "I'm 5 years old," Lily replied, holding up 5 fingers. "Wow, that's a big girl age. You're a whole hand!" Jade exclaimed. "I know!" Lily replied. Jade chuckled, glancing over at Perrie who was looking at her with narrowed eyes. 

"I don't want you working for the rest of this week," Perrie finally said. "What?! But I have nothing else to do but be bored!" Jade exclaimed. "Mommy, you're not working tomorrow so maybe Jade could have a sleepover!" Lily flashed Perrie her sweetest smile, showing rows of small pearly teeth. "I'm okay with it, but it has to be okay with Jade," Perrie replied, looking over at Jade. 

"Sure," Jade shrugged. "As long as I'm not trapped in my apartment for a week, I'm cool with it." Lily clapped her hands. "Yay! I'm so happy!" She squealed. "I can tell," Jade smiled. "How about I pick you up around 4:30? I'll make dinner, and it will give you time to pack after your physical therapy," Perrie suggested. "Okay," Jade replied, trying to sound nonchalant, but she was mentally freaking out. 

Tomorrow was going to be the best day of Jade's life. 

So that's chapter 2! What do you think of Jed being gay? Will he come back to haunt Jerrie's relationship in later chapters? Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)



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