You open the door and head back to your chair, when Harry bumps into you, making you fall. You quickly look down, you didn't want him to see that you've been crying. You didn't want him to know that you're weak. He scoffs and walks back to his seat.

'Watch where you're going, bitch' he says. A tear rolls down your cheek and you get up, walking over to your seat. You sit down and put your head in your hands. You let out a sob, but quickly cover it up by coughing. You look out of the window and wipe a tear away. You felt a presence sit next to you.

'Shit. I should've wiped the makeup off' you think to yourself.

'Love are you okay?' Liam asks, stroking your arm. Harry's head shoots up to look at you two. You clear your throat and continue looking out of the window.

'Yeah...i'm...i'm fine' You say, hesitantly. Liam cups your face, turning you to look at him. You close your eyes and sigh. His face falls.

'Y/N? Have you been crying?' He asks, getting worried. He hugs you and you couldn't hold it in any longer. You cry into his chest. You open your eyes to see Harry, he actually looked sad.

'Y/N, love. C'mon, come with me. Talk to us all.' He says, leading you into the fort. You sit down with them and they all bring you in for a hug.

Harry's p.o.v

'Did I make her cry? Fuck. I hope I didn't. Oh no what have I done? She's not fat at all! Why did I say that!!! She must've heard you Harry! I've fucked it up again. I need to speak to her.' I think to myself.

I get up from the seat and go towards where they were, but stopped when I heard my name mentioned.

Your p.o.v

'Y/N. You can tell us anything. We'll always be here for you' Zayn says, rubbing your arm. You take in a deep breath and look at them.

'For about a year now I've had a crush on Harry. Please let me finish. I just, i really like him. His smile, his dimples, his laugh, his hair, his personality, his voice, his jokes. Everything! But about 3 months ago, everything changed. He got distant with me, he wouldn't text me anymore like he used to. He wouldn't hug me or even speak to me. And I just over heard what he said about me being fat too. That's why I've been so upset. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to cause arguments or make a big deal out of it.' You say, looking down, wiping your eyes.

'It's just, he hates me and I don't know why! We were best friends, and now it's all changed! I love him so much, and to know that he hates my guts makes me so sad and I don't know what to do. Please don't tell him. He can't find out that I like him, he'll probably hate me even more!' You say, looking at them all.

'Listen, Y/N. He loves you. He really does. I know that may seem hard to believe, but it's true! He doesn't stop talking about you. This is so unlike Harry to talk nice about you to us and then be mean to you.' Niall says, furrowing his eyebrows. You bite your lip, questioning yourself.

'I think, Y/N. You should talk to him. Communication is key here. What we're telling you is the 100% truth' Zayn says, looking at the boys who nods their heads and looks back at you. You sigh and get up.

'Okay. I'll talk to him, but if it all goes wrong. You're all gonna go down with me!' You say, making them laugh, shooing you off to talk to him.

Harry's p.o.v

'She likes me too? Oh my god yes! I need to explain everything to her' I think to myself rushing back to my seat. I hear the door open and close, meaning she's just come in.

Your p.o.v

You walk towards Harry and take a deep breath. As you were about to say something, he stands up and brings you in for a hug. You were surprised but hugged him back anyways. He pulls away and brings you so that your sat down next to him. You smile weakly at him. He takes your hands in his and takes a deep breath.

'I heard everything. I heard everything that you just told the boys. What they were saying is true. I do talk about you, all the time. I love you Y/N. I'm so so so so sorry for making you feel like shit all the time. You're not fat, at all! I was just saying that bc I didn't have anything else to say. Oh my god I am so sorry' he says, shaking his head. You run small circles on the back of his hands.

'Whilst on tour, I missed you so much. I saw that photo of you and your ex boyfriend going out to dinner and I got so mad. I felt like you'd never like me and that I wasn't good enough for you. I just got so angry and jealous that when I got back from tour I wanted to distance myself from you to see if I'd stop loving you, but fuck. I was so wrong.' He says, pausing, looking into your eyes.

'I'm so sorry, kitten. I really am. I never meant to hurt you. I love you with all of my heart. I hope you can forgive me. I was being so jealous and stupid. Y/N, please give me a second chance. I promise I won't ever hurt yo-' you cut him off by kissing him. He kisses back and pulls you into him, so that you're sat on his lap. You pull away and smile.

'I love you, Harry. I forgive you. I understand where you're coming from. I hope we can just put these 3 months behind us and go back to what we used to be' You say, kissing his cheek. He smiles and hugs you, tightly.

'I'm so happy. Thank you, kitten' he says, kissing your cheek. You pull away and smirk.

'Y/N, will you please be my girlfriend?' He asks, smiling.

'Yes, of course.' You say, smiling even wider. He kisses you and squeezes your sides.

(please comment what imagines you'd like me to do next) all the love, Xx

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