"Hey, come on. He didn't mean it!"

"And yet. You still fear him"


"I'm you, dumass"

"Sigh. He was so nice. Then he felt the need to 'be dominant' and ruined it."

"He put his duty before his heart"

"T-thats bad?"

"No shit sherlock!"

"Jesus, why is your vocabulary so colurful?"

"Cuz yours isn't"

"Hmmm. Okay."

"Well, all he really wants is your forgiveness. Could you give him that?"


"Your choice. But I think he has something for your 'sister'"

"Karai? Yeah, I heard something about that."

"Anyway, Mikey..." Leo's portal dims and Mikeys is now in view.

"He's a sweetheart...."


"Next. Raph. Hey wait a minute!"

"Yeah what the fudge? We're friends!"

"Must be a friend love. Oh well. That case is closed." Unlike the others that dimmed, Raphs star closed and turned into a small, twinkling red one.

"Oh that's sooo coo-oo-oo-oo-ool. There is nothing I like more than space."

"God you watch too much Markiplier.....So Casey Jones?"

"Hmm, besides Bash. He's one of the bests. He's nice. Defends me. Gives gentle pats.-"

"He liked April-"

"Well fuck that shit-"

"Liked. Then he fell for you. According to my analysis, he has no apparent feelings for that demonic spawn of satanity."

"I swear your gunna be my best friend"

"I'll accept that. Now for the biggest one. Sebastian."

"Sigh, he's an OC, and this fanfic was meant for x tmnt. I really feel like he's the best though. But, then again, there are many more x readers out there. I don't know what the readers want cause nobody comments. What am I going to do-"

"Excuse me?"

"Huh? Yes?"

"The fuck are you doing here?"

"Hello. Im Holly Rose. The Author. Nice to meetcha-"

"Um go away. Me and (Y/N) are trying to figure out this love pentagon!"

"Oh, fine. Bye......Asswipe."

"Who was that?"

"Didn't you hear? It was fucking Mickey Mouse!"

"No, her name was-"

"If you know then don't fucking ask"

"Sheesh. Okay."

"Well, plan?"

"Kill April-"

"For the guys?"

"Kill April-"


"Sigh, I think Karai likes Leo aswell. I'll forgive him so he can move on with her. The neck bruise is gone now so.... the conflict should be aswell. Screw April. She can have the nerd. Raphs a no-brainer. Mikey, I don't know. Casey is a mystery aswell and....Bash. Oh Author was right! I feel like in need to love a 'tmnt'."

"Yout a tmnt?"


"So is Bash?"


"He's fair game. And that accent is sexy"

"Shut up. Am I going to get this commentary from now on?"

"Yeah gurl"

"You feral."

"Ooh, I like that name!"

"Good, now it's yours."

"Yay! Oh well, your a tot, tots get away with shit. So reak havoic and-"

"Wait! I'm not me?"

"Nuh-uh. This was a dream-convo."

"Mmm k."

"Anyway. Bye!"

(I have a fear of thunder and lighting so it scared you too)

You jolt awake and look at you tiny hands. You begin crying and wake Bashi who was sleeping at your feet. He scooted over to you and liked your cheeks. Ridding the tears. You giggle joyfully and grab his snout. Planting a kiss between his eyes and the snuggling up to the pupper. He relaxed and you both fell back to asleep.

This time you had a wonderous dream full of way that April dies.

God I hate her.



Looks like you met a new friend. Dons of the market. April's name will be written in the Death-Note book. Leo's in your new match maker game. Raphs a bro. Mikes a sweetie. Case and Bash shall fight for your love. And you've met a new friend.

Meet Feral.

"What's up fockers?"

"Shut it!"

Anyway, I wanted to add a new character. This characterc is sort of you too, like a guide. Comments are ♡ . Toodles.

Holly out! ♡

1193 word count! Yeah boi!

Sorry if this repeats!

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