Chapter Fourteen

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Love Like Boomerang
Book Two
Chapter Fourteen
Jayden's POV
!Edited And Lightly Rewritten!

I got up early this morning to work out. I didn't sleep at all last night and I have a lot of pent up energy to expel. Even though I wanted to work, I also didn't feel like going to the gym and being around people. So I did some exercises in Jason's room where I'm staying.

My talk with Rose last night really fucked me up. I couldn't lie to myself about not wanting to talk to her. I couldn't lie about wanting answers anymore. But once she started talking it seemed to open up the damn flood gates. I had to ask. I needed to know why... Somehow I convinced myself that if I didn't care and she didn't care, it would be easier to be around her.

There would be nothing to talk about. Nothing to fix. Nothing to explain because neither one of us cared.

But listening to her last night made me realize that we both clearly cared too much and that's wasn't good. It also made me realize that whether she does care or doesn't care about me, being around her will never be easy for me.

I will always be on edge. I will always be on the edge of my seat, waiting for her to make a move. She's my favorite novel, a series I can't finish because it's too good and I'm afraid for it to end. She's my Achilles heel...

And coming back here, seeing tears fall from her face, hearing her tell me that she thought she was saving me, giving me a better life by not being in it... just made me realize how hopelessly stupid I am when it comes to her.

She apologized... And hell if I don't know her... I know she was being sincere and meant what she said to me. But she also left me and had a son with someone else and named him the same name she and I picked out for our future son, if we ever had one... That in and of itself was killing me. Just the thought of someone else touching her pissed me off beyond belief... but knowing that someone else was inside of her made me want to get fucking violent.

A fucking apology isn't enough... For all the pain, the misery, the depression and suicidal thoughts! Three years of fucking hell!

Once I finished my second set of sixty push-ups, I stood to my feet and wiped the sweat from my forehead. My throat was dry as fuck so I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I opened the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of water and closed it. I cracked the bottle open and chugged the whole bottle in just a few gulps.

Rose entered the kitchen slowly, cautiously, as I'm a wild animal.

No need to be weary of me baby. I'm not the one that fucked up our future together.

Her eyes glazed over me as mine did her. She was wearing black shorts showing off her thick brown sun kisses legs. A simple black scoop neck shirt that showed off a tempting amount of cleavage... and sandals adorned pretty white painted toes. Her hair was long and curly and she had it parted to the side which was different for her because she usually preferred a middle part. She was dressed so casually, yet she stunned me as if she was in a ball gown...

Her beauty truly was unmatched...

I caught myself staring when a little water dripped from the corner of my mouth. I quickly swallowed the last gulp of water and wiped my mouth. I tossed the bottle in the trash.

Even though I probably looked like an idiot, she didn't look avert her eyes from me. I've seen that look in her eyes many times before. Those hungry eyes tempted me and nearly reduced me to a simping fool.

When she cleared her throat and looked away from me finally, I did the same.

I didn't trust myself around her when she looked at me like that. I'm a man after all and when comes to her, I have very little restraint. I was holding onto self-control by a string at this point and right now... she was tugging on it.

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