41. I've Fallen

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I've fallen and I can't get up
Must have been I fell hard enough
'Cause you didn't catch me right away
Despite that I let you in my heart to stay

Days and nights had passed
But I'll tell you that this feelings would last
My heart always skipped a beat when I see you
But now I'm feeling under the clouds and blue

You fill up the missing pieces of my puzzle
Just because of your smile that's full of wonder
Truly, madly, and crazily I'm head over heels for you
I don't know how or why but believe me its true

I had fallen really hard
That your name scarred in my heart
Your face tattooed on my mind
Hoping someday our hearts would bind

Maybe I jumped high enough to get this bruises
I risked everything for just a broken promises
While you were there preparing to catch someone else
I was wallowing, sulking and hurting for myself

I thought you'll catch me fast
But seems I landed on the cold rocks
Now I've fallen and can't get up
I hurt myself for assuming your love

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