104. The Kind of Love

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Someone asked, have you ever fallen in love?

I said of course haven't we felt that often in our life

No, not the type of love you felt towards your crush

Neither the desire to completely own someone

Or when you suddenly feel butterflies in your stomach

And your heart beats erratically when you see them, no not that type

It's the type of love where you can't hardly breathe because they're too close

It's like they take away all the oxygen and all you can do is let them

It's the feeling of wanting them flourish and bloom beside you

Without taking them away just for your own good

It's where the attraction towards them felt like a magnet

So hard to pull back but they can easily pull you towards

It's difficult to contain all the butterflies because they're trying to get out

And smothered you with enigmatic array of emotions

It's the type where you can't seem to keep afloat

And the feelings are drowning you, submerging you deeper

And the only option you have is to surrender and be engulfed

It's when you saw their eyes and it reminds you of the stars in the night sky

So mysterious yet so beautiful, that made you felt lost staring into

It's the type where you can recognize them in whatever circumstances

In total darkness and inability to hear

At the expense of oblivion and incapable to perceive

It's when they're near and you felt at peace

Like a comfort zone and a home

It's the feeling of losing your balance at the edge of a cliff

Without a single thought you plunge into the deep unknown

The shift in your balnce doesn't tip you off but the danger of the fall

You will feared the fall more than your own stability

Because if the intensity of the fall weren't matched then it would leave you empty

That's the kind of love I'm talking about

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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