Chapter 3 "The Light"

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Hey guys next chater is up as promised! This is my favourite chapter so far! I wrote this jamming out to "dont trust me" by 3OH!3 I hope you guys enjoy as always I love all you melons!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Ultimate Spider-man

Nova's Pov:

Ever since the whole Danny finding me collapsed in the bathroom incident, there hasn't been any bad guys around. There's been jack squat to do around here. Except for train and train and guess what more training! Plus I haven't self harmed since then either. I'll admit I'm still mega depressed and still think I should even be here because I'm a fuck up, but I keep my promises. At least for now...

I was taking my biology test, ( BORING! ) Then I got called to agent- I mean principle Coulson's office. I wasn't sure if he had a mission or if I was really in trouble. Maybe he found out about my mash potato replica of him. Hey, in my defense it was pretty accurate, aside from when his nose fell off. Well at least I don't have to take that test. To be honest the only question I knew the answer to was my name... I didn't even know the date. Pathetic right?

I stood up from my desk, and I have to admit it's EXTREMELY awkward, getting up and leaving in the middle of a test. Especially because I didn't do anything on it. The look on my teachers face when I handed her my test.... Let's just say I'm gonna be in trouble later.

I hated walking through the school hallways. School is almost worst than jail,nevermind I take that back it actually is worst than jail!

I got to Coulson's office and there sat my team. ( I guess he really did have a mission for us!!! Finaly, took him long enough. )

"whoop hoo! Is it time for some butt kicking!?" I said as I 'accidentally' kicked Coulson's mug of his desk... Oops... I didn't like that mug anyways.. like seriously, 1# principal how cliche.

Agent Coulson said firmly "yes, but sit down. And don't break anything else!"

I sat down next to Peter and Danny, trying my hardest not to blush. But Danny nudging me wasn't helping. Luckily Peter didnt notice ( I hope ). Coulson gave us all the details, we are fighting goblin blah blah blah work as a team blah blah blah, "yeah whatever let's go kick some ass!"

We all got suited up and headed to humiliate goblin...again.

"Alright team, Goblin has gotten stronger so be careful" the team leader warned.

"Yea whatever webs, I'm sure you can kill him with your 'funny' jokes." Sam said annoyed

" enough both of you! Let's focus on what we're suppose to do!" An angry tiger yelled.

It was a long and tiring fight, the team hasn't even made a dent in this behemoth of a beast. Power Man threw Iron Fist to get a hit at his face but, instead Goblin caught the k'un L'un warrior and threw him with all might into the school's brick wall. Power man ran up to avenge his fallen friend only to receive the same punishment. Meanwhile White tiger ran up behind the beast as he wasn't looking she got a few good hits on him until, the Goblin took a swing at her. She went flying through the city. ( that was now destroyed because of goblin )

Spider-man's POV:

"What do we do now Web head?" Nova yelled as he was assisting the fallen teammates.

"Spidey sense! Nova-" Spiderman yelled as he ran up and pushed the bucket head out of the way. Moments before getting a taste of Goblins fist.

As Nova stood up he saw his teammates on their feet all except Parker, he vigorously turned around to see him on the ground. "He looked like mush... Was he even breathing" Nova wondered before the angry teen flew up and turned around to face Goblin and give him the death stare. Then all of a sudden there was a bright light that covered half of New York. Not even Luke's sunglasses could protect against this. When that was over goblin was on the ground. I guess you could say he went all "super nova" on his ass. Sam flew over to Peter shaking him and begging him to wake up.. (The team looking extemely confused all but Iron fist) But he never did. He checked his pulse and to see if he was breathing, he was but just barely. Sam then picked up the web head bridal style and flew him up to the Helicarrier leaving the rest of his team extremely confused.

Sam rushed Peter to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s medical center. His eyes filled with tears, hoping he will be okay. He flew to the medical center as fast as he possibly could. Sam then reluctantly handed Peter off to the medical professionals. Before running to his room.

He immediately started crying, until he was full on balling. Sam tore off his helmet causing his costume to disappear, revealing his every day clothes. Sam rushed to the bathroom grabbing his blade. He was going to do what he does best. Sam stood at his sink staring at himself in the mirror.




Fuck up

Echoed in his mind.

He cut along his arms only this time with a purpose. He wasn't going to walk out of this bathroom well... alive. He wasn't going save any more lives not even his own. If Peter dies, he could never live with himself, it was all his fault he's in the hospital fighting for his life. That's why Sam is ending his... He would never see peter again. "I'm sorry Peter, it's all my fault. Maybe now that I won't be will be able to have a normal life, without your teammate crushing on you. or almost killing you. I'm so sorry. If you die I could never live with myself, so my life ends here. I know I promised Danny, but some promises are made to be broken.... Goodbye."

These were Sam's final thoughts as he drifted into the light....

OoOoOoO Dem feels..... do you think Sam will live or is he gone forever?????

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