Chapter 14 Spidey Sense

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Peter's POV

Sam took off.. After flipping the fuck out at me. It was my fault. How haven't I noticed earlier? I mean he was always making jokes and laughing.. I never suspected for him out of anyone to be depressed.

At this point I've fallen to my knees just balling. Blaming myself, just for a second I feel what same has felt all these years. Danny walked, not knocking or anything, I chuckled. "what bothers you peter?"

"Sam.." I replied

Danny just walked over and sat I front of me.

"I just like him so much.. It kills me to see him like this, he deserves so much more. I can't believe I didn't see this sooner.. None of us did. Not even fury and he knows everything. " I chuckled at my attempt to lighten the mood. "Danny, you know when we kissed I felt fireworks, not to be cliché it was truly amazing.. Later that night.. No one knows this but I counted his scars... I sound like a creep don't i? 328... 328 times I wasn't there for him. 328 times he was feeling like shit all alone... 32-"

"Peter, no listen none of this is your fault. I heard Sam take off, he'll be okay." Danny Southed while rubbing my back.

"I-I think I... Love him."

*spidey sense* "SAM! spidey sense Danny come on!"
I hope we aren't too late, I can't lose you Sam.. I love you.

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