Chapter 7 " One Month"

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AUTHORS NOTE: Thanks so much for 150+ reads!!! I umm really needed the confident boost... So thanks guys I love you! It means a lot to have your support.

Disclaimer I do not own Ultimate Spiderman if I did Sam would date Peter...

It's been one month since Sam's first suicide attempt, it wasn't his last. In the past month he has tried 3 more times. On top of that he has added dozens of more scars to the hundreds he already had.

It's been one month since Peter was first put into a coma, which Sam still believes is his fault. The doctors are beginning to say he will never wake up.

Everyday Sam is by Peter's bedside, he rarely ever leaves. Day and night Sam sits in the old Wooden chair sobbing onto Peter's bed. He no longer fights alongside the rest of the team. Instead his days are spent crying, feeling like shit with no one to help him. Deep down Sam wants someone to hug. Someone to understand, instead of Ava and Luke bombarding him with questions, and attempting to comfort him. Which never helps.

Sam has started keeping a diary, although he would never call it that.


April 16th

Today was fucking terrible, oh wait that's every fucking day...

I'm tired of being saved. Like I'm not some damsel I'm distress. Don't they understand!?!? I don't want to be here!!! I want to die! Maybe I'll just try again maybe this time I won't fail. This time will be different, I will succeed. Besides why do the care about a fucking piece of crap like me? I'm so ------------ asshole-----------and----------f--k-----------



The rest of the page was covered in tears which smeared the ink.....

Danny's POV:

I came to Sam's room looking for him. I always check in because he's in a bad place right now. His chi energy is all off.

"Sa- ? SAM?!"

Danny walked toward Sam's messy desk, stepping on old pizza boxes on the way there.

"Oh no!" Danny started to get insanely worried. His eyes began to water..

The teen sprinted toward Fury's office, he burst through the door shoving Sam's diary in his face.

" sir we have a huge problem..."

Fury sat there looking at the page, he thought it wouldn't be the first time but maybe this was the last time. A look of disbelief covered his face. Would they be too late this time?


Danny made his way to that rooftop..... Hoping he wasn't too late. He finally got their and his eyes filled with tears. Sam lay there lifeless, did he finally get his wish? Danny collapsed, balling, hyperventilating. He got up and walked over picking Sam up from the pool of blood from his slit wrists. Shaking him, begging him to wake up..... The teen was begging to lose it. He couldn't take it. He didn't now what to do... He was screaming at Sam's lifeless still body, want him to wake wanting him to reply......


He never did....

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