Chapter 11 "Truth Or Dare!?!"

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AUTHORS NOTES: hey guys short chapter but whatever!! Enjoy!!!

Sam's POV:

"Okay, truth or dare..... Luke?!" I said

"Oh no man your dares are scary.... Truth"

"Hmm, do you like anyone in this room?" I said proudly, although I didn't expect what happened next.

Luke started to stare at the ground, with a faint blush sweeping across his face. "Um, yes...."

"OoOoO" everyone said in unison.

" okay!" Luke blurted out breaking the awkwardness for him. "Ava truth or dare?"

"Dare..." Ava said with a hint of fear in her voice.

"I dare you to go up to fury and say your pregnant!!!!" The four boys started to laugh hysterically.

"Yea, no I'm gonna go read a book.."

"PARTY POOPER!" I yelled jokingly.

Luke begun to speak " okay, Peter truth or dare?

"Pft, is that even a question.... DARE." Peter said in an overconfident tone. He was gonna get a nasty dare I could just feel it.

"I dare you to do the dirty dice challenge, with Sam. You each get one roll..."

Peter's jaw dropped, "wtf really???.......fine.." Peter said like a three year old.

No one had any dice so we found some dirty dice online, don't worry it's not that dirty. It's like kiss or suck.... Etc.

I rolled first. Fist dice says kiss. And the next one says lips. That was easy. I looked up and pulled peter in. It was a nice kiss it was short but nice. I was kinda sad when he pulled away. Next it was Peter's turn, oh shit... He rolled suck neck. Like what the fuck.

"Do not give me a hickey!" I told Peter.

Peter licked his lips and begun attacking my neck. It felt really good. Ur I couldn't show any emotion in front of the others. I was trying my best to hold in a moan, but a instead a fain moan slipped out from lips.

" okay Danny, truth or dare?" Peter said breaking away from my neck and pecking me on the check.


" I dare you to kiss Luke on the lips for at least 5 seconds. " Peter said with a milk on his face.

Immediately Luke's eyes widened. Wait did Luke like Danny!? Is that who he was talking about? Oh! That's why Peter dared him to do that.... See I'm not that smart. Oh well,

Danny turned to face Luke, staring into his eyes. Then slowly moving in.

Danny's POV:

Okay, I may appear to be chill on the outside but I'm freaking out on the inside!!! So I may have a little crush on him.... Aaargg! Okay Danny calm down, calm down.

I stared into Luke's eyes, he had really cute eyes. I started to lean and I closed my eyes. I felt our lips connect, I think I felt sparks fly.... The kiss was nice, although we started to use more tongue. Until he was lying on the ground and I was hovering over him. He finally broke apart because we were running short on breath.

Sam's POV:

"Damn, Peter said 5 seconds not 30!!! So I guess someone has a crush!" I said hoping to my feet. " Luke and Danny sitting in a tree k-I-s-s-I-n---- I was silenced by Luke punching me in the shoulder. "Ouch!" Peter suddenly burst out laughing them danny, Luke and finally me. We spent the rest on the night laughing our asses off.

AUTHORS NOTES: so you guys have any ideas for next chapter!?!?

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