Chapter 1 "Failure..."

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hey guys! This is my very first fanfiction and I'm so excited!! This fanfiction is about the ultimate Spiderman cartoon. ( suggest you watch the show first ) Sorry this chapter is so short is more of an intro than anything, but i will upload chapter 2 ASAP! I love feedback!


Sam's POV:

I slide the blade across my arm, multiple times...




These words echoed In my head as I watched the red blood trickled down my arms, on to the tiles of the bathroom where I'd been sitting. I already had scars on my arms. I've been doing this for a while, and i've been hiding it very well too. No one has asked any questions ,( not like they'd care. ) My eyes filling with tears as I started to think....

'You're such a screw up, everything you do you find a way to mess it up. You always manage to hurt the ones you love. Your insecure as hell, always worried you won't fit in. Always worried your not skinny enough, worried about your grades. You are powerless. Without your helmet, your nothing. How do people even call you a hero? if they knew who you were under the helmet, you'd have no fans left. you would be a discrace to them. Nobody cares about you let alone love you. Everyday you watch as your crush flirts with other people, thinking they'd never ( in a million years ) love me or look at me the same way I do... I don't even know why I'm still here, I should be dead.

The pain in my arms were almost unbearable, but I deserved it. His tears were rushing out at this point.

The teen sat in the corner of his old tiny bathroom attached to his room on the helicarrier. He sat there balling his eyes out for hours With the same words repeating in his head...

"Fuck up"





Sam sat there, for hours upon hours. Eventually crying himself to sleep, in the corner of that tiny bathroom. He had lost track of time, it could be 2AM or 2PM but, no one cared enough to come look for him.

Sam woke up, wondering were he was. His vision was still blurry and unable to make out his surroundings. A few minutes later the teen discovered he was in the bathroom dried blood pooled on the floor. His neck was stiff, and his hands were soaked with his drool and tears. Beside him lay his blade. Then everything came back to him. The cutting, the crying, his feelings....

Sam put his head to his hands and started crying once again. It felt good to cry, and let it all out but he would never dare to cry in front of his team. The teen would be mortified if that ever happened. Then the door cracked open.....


OoOoOoOo The suspense, who do you think is going to walk in? Have to wait for the next chapter to find out!!!!!

Sam's Blade...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें