08. Chapter Eight

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Alex's POV

I put on a white shirt and black trousers. My family and I were going to Jane's today to eat dinner. I was very nervous to be eating at Jane's for some reason. It felt like something bad would happen. But, I guessed Jane liked me. I mean, if she doesn't what have I done?

Now when I think of it, I don't think Jane likes me. She glares at me everytime I'm close to Mike. I know she likes him, but she doesn't have to worry me taking Mike away from her. I don't like Mike like that. I haven't even seen him in slow motion, that means. I. Don't. Like. Him. As a friend, yes. But not like I did with Nori.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I turned around, the door opened to reveal my mom. She had her hair up in a small bun and she had a beautiful dark blue dress on.

"Are you ready?" she asked me. "Ron and Justin are in the car already. Justin is really excited. I don't know why." She shrugged her shoulders.

"It's because he has a crush on Jane", I said as me and my mom walked out of my room to go out to Ron and Justin in the car.

"Has he seen her in slow motion?" my mom asked as we put on our shoes.

"I don't know really", I said as I tied my shoelaces.

"And you? Have you seen someone in slow motion?"

"Not since Nori."

"That girl you're hanging out with then?" my mom said and opened up the door and walked out of the house.

"Jane?" I asked.

"No, the read head", my mom said and locked the front door to the house.

"Max?" I asked. My mom nodded as we walked to the car. "She's a great friend, and she's even going to teach me to skateboard. But she's nothing but a friend. Same with Jane."

"Well, I just wanted to make sure", my mom said and we both got into the car. My mom in the front seat with Ron and Justin and I in the backseat.

And we drove through Hawkins, to the Hopper's house.

Hopper's house wasn't that big, to be honest. It was still a big house, but not like ours with three levels.

We got out of the car and looked at the house. Justin squealed the whole time. I know he like Jane but please, chill!

We walked up to the front door. Ron knocked on the door. My mom fiddled with her dress as Justin breathed on his hand and smelled it. He really thinks he's gonna kiss Jane?

Seconds later, the door was opened by chief, Jim Hopper. Beside him stood Jane, she had a beautiful dress on and her hair was in a high ponytail. They invited us in. As my mom and dad started talking to Hopper, Justin and I looked around the house. Or more me, because Justin just flirted with Jane.

I looked at the two, Jane actually blushed at sometimes. If she falls for him, I swear. I'll kiss Mike. Wait... what? Am I stupid? I wouldn't kiss Mike. Shit. NO! DELETE THAT FROM YOUR MEMORY!

My mom, Ron and Hopper called us that it was dinner time. We walked up to the table. I sat beside Hopper, and beside me sat Justin. Infront of me sat Jane, besides her sat my mom and besides my mom sat Ron and Ron sat beside Justin.

Hopper, my mom and Ron talked about random stuff as we ate. While, Jane, Justin and I sat in silence. Even at sometimes Justin tried to flirt with Jane. Jane looked annoyed but I could see a slight blush being on his cheeks.

"So, Alex", Hopper said, making me look at him. "Do you like your new school?"

"Oh, yeah! I do", I said with a smile. Reminding me of Mike. "I've met a lot of new friends and the science lab there is huge! I love it."

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