25 | hit the road, jack

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"Um, yeah I'm good. I'm using my friend's phone. Are you alright, bro?" I chuckled, the sound of slightly forced. Jack was acting strange, stranger than usual. 

"Fuck, we have been so worried for you! When dad said you were being held captive and they couldn't get to--"

"What?" I sat up from my laying position, my voice sharp as I interrupted Jack from his rant. My father said what? "What the hell are you talking about, Jack?"

"When dad went to the Black Dawn territory, he said that while he was talking Alpha Theo our warriors found that you were being held captive by those monsters." Jack growled through the phone and I felt my heart drop to the ground as I continued to listen to my brother spew the lies my father came up with. "Before they can get to you, Alpha Theo tried attacking dad and threatened to kill you if anyone went near you. That bastard will fucking get it, don't you worry Hollister. I will even do it myself, I got your back." 

"No, no, no--" 

"It's okay, we will be safe Holly. Dad has been planning to attack at the right moment when they won't see it. Look I'm going to Dad's office no--." 

"No!" I growled through the phone, gripping it so tightly that I risked turning Eliza's phone in to dust. She would definitely kill me for that. 

"What? Holly--"

"No Jack! You've got it all wrong, go back to your room now!"My voice was coming out rushed. 

"What do you mea--"

"Go!" I ordered him, my voice rocked the room for a millisecond as I roared through the phone. My blood was pumping and I felt hot. There was rustling in the phone as Jack made his way back to his room. After I heard a door shut, he spoke again;

"Okay Holly, I'm back in my room. What's the matter?" 

"Dad is lying to you, Jack. He came to the pack yes, I saw him I spoke to him." 

"What? What are you on about? He said he never--"

"He lied to you, Jack! He fucking lied, don't you get it?" I couldn't wrap through my mind why my own father would lie to his pack, lie to his own blood about his daughter being held captive against her life as well as planning an attack that could die hundreds of pack members. 

"Why would he lie about seeing you Holly, no I don't get it so tell me." I wanted to scream in the phone, I wanted to crush the damn thing in my fist but I chose against it. Again, Eliza would absolutely slaughter me. 

"Because, I chose to stay--"

"Why the fuck would you do that? Are you a fucking idiot, they will kill you the second they have the chance." I rolled my eyes, he was being melodramatic. 

"No they wouldn't." I heard him scoff in the phone, the sound so familiar to almost made me laugh. Annoying him was one of my favourite past times.

"And why the fuck not?" I couldn't help but smile at the number of profanities he was throwing around. I really learnt from a master. 

"Because I'm Alpha Theo's mate." The phone line went silent. It was so silent I had checked to see if Jack had hung up multiple times. 

"What?" His voice was soft now, almost a whisper as if he was mind-blown at what I had just told him. Honestly, same. "Holly, are you serious?" 

"Yes and before you rant about how he's a monster, trust me he's not the monster you should be worried about." 

"Holly oh my god, that's fucking fantastic!" Even ecstatic Jack will swear to the heavens. That ladies and gentlemen is my big brother. "I'm so bloody happy you have no idea!" A smile erupted on my face listening to my brother's instant approval, his reaction must different from our fathers. "But, if that's the case then why is dad raging war against your mate?" 

I sighed, laying back on the couch as I rested my palm on my forehead, the heat almost scorching. This conversation was giving me a headache with the power of a thousand suns.

"I think that is better explained in person. Please when you can, come to the Black Dawn pack you can bring Lia." 

"I don't know Holli--"

"Please Jack. This is important. It's about dad and you really need to hear it." I still didn't know if he knew, by his reactions I would assume not and if that was the case then I no longer wanted my brother in the dark of the things our father has done. 

I heard a sigh coming from his end of the call before he spoke again. "Okay Hollister, I'll try to come as soon as I can so keep a room warm from Lia and I."

"And Jack," 


"Whatever you do, do not tell dad you're coming," I spoke as if his life depended on it. 

And who knows, maybe it does.

Alpha Theo || ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz