One: Meeting the Winchesters

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I was tired of all the girls at school with their picture-perfect families, teasing me for not having a family to call, write, or to visit me.

I've been at this school for about two years and haven't heard from anyone back home in Beacon Hills. Scott and Lydia, who promised to call and write but never did. Neither did my brother. My dad did at first, but he eventually forgot about me as well I assumed since his letters and calls stopped as well.

The only person I could consider a friend was my roommate Destiny. She was a year older than me but always nice to me. Unlike me, she had a loving family and friends, so I didn't feel too bad about leaving her. She understood that I didn't want to be there.

On the night I decided to leave, I tossed out a rope made from multiple sheets, out of the window. I turned around to look back at the room that has been my home for the past few years. It made me want to reconsider my choice, but I also knew I rather be anywhere else.

I safely made it out the window and let out a breath. I adjusted the bag on my shoulder and began walking to the fence with a hole, big enough for me to climb through. I had to make sure the guards didn't see me, otherwise I'd be fine.

Once I successfully made it out, I began my trek down the road. I eventually came across a gas station with only a few cars parked around.

I spotted a red pick up truck and decided to climb into the back before the owner returned. I figured maybe I could keep hitchhiking my way to California. Maybe if I made it home, my dad would be ready to take me back.

I ducked down when I noticed who I assumed to be the driver, returning. He got in his truck, proving me right, and soon pulled off from the gas station.


After a while, the truck finally came to a stop. When I heard the driver leave, I stuck my head up and noticed we were parked in front of a diner. It was still dark out so it must not have been far from where we just were.

I climbed out the back of the truck and headed towards the doors of the diner. In one of the parking spots, I noticed this beautiful 1967 black Chevy Impala. Looking at it made me wish I knew how to pick locks.

I walked inside the diner, taking in the smell of the food as I found a booth to sit in. There were only a few others in there. A shady guy sitting at a table in the back, a couple in one booth, and two guys in another. One of them was busy stuffing his face with pie.

I had a few dollars on me so I got a cheeseburger. As I ordered I also asked for a map. I looked over the map as I waited for my food and realized I still had a good ways to go to get to Beacon Hills.

I ate when my food came, and paid the woman once I was finished. The only money I had was what I saved up from doing chores at school.

I folded up the map and put it in my pocket before heading outside. I froze when I noticed my ride was gone. I cursed under my breath and just decided to walk and try and get a ride along the way.

Before I could even leave the area, I was suddenly attacked. I fell to the ground hard with my attacker on top of me. He growled and revealed a weird set of sharp teeth. So weird and scary it made me scream.

The next thing happened so fast. His head was suddenly off his body, and laying beside me. I looked down to see myself covered in his blood and fought back the urge to puke.

I stood up with shaking legs and looked at the people who did this. I recognized them from inside the diner. Two men. One shorter one with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. The other was tall with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Can you explain what the hell that was? Who are you two anyway?!"

"Oh right, I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean." He said still holding the bloody machete in his hand.

"Why do you have that? And what was wrong with that man? Why'd you kill him?!" I asked, freaking out.

"He was a vampire." The Dean guy said. I couldn't process any of it. If I didn't see it for myself, there would have been no way I'd possibly believe what just happened. It was all getting too much for me. Plus I hit my head and was now feeling the throbbing and dizziness. Soon everything was black.


I woke up in an unknown bed in an unfamiliar room. I panicked and sat up looking around. I remembered everything that happened before I passed out. Apparently vampires were real.

I looked down and noticed I was still wearing the bloody clothes. I then took notice to the folded pile of clothes on the desk. Walking closer I noticed a note on top. I took the piece of paper and read it,

We're sorry we scared you and we know you have many questions. When you passed out we knew we couldn't leave you there. So we brought you to our bunker and got some clothes that looked like your size. There's a shower in the room you're in. Get cleaned up and we can talk after. Just walk out and take a right all the way down.

-Sam W.

At least he didn't seem evil, despite chopping a monster's head off not too long ago. I grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom. I cleaned myself up then put on the clothes he left aside for me. It was a pair of jeans and a red flannel that fit a little big. But they were clean so I couldn't complain.

I put my boots on and put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed the door nob and took a breath before opening it. I turned right and walked down the hall as Sam's instructions said.

I walked through the doorway and saw both guys sitting at a large table. They were both drinking coffee and reading. The Sam guy was using a computer and the other one whose name I forgot, was reading a newspaper. I cleared my throat to get their attention, causing them both to stop what they were doing and look at me.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Sam asked closing his laptop. I simply shrugged not up to answering that question just yet. He gestured for me to sit so I did.

"What's your name?" Sam asked.

"Nadeen. Nadeen Stilinski." He nodded.

"How old are you kid?" The other guy asked.


"What were you doing at the diner alone?" Sam asked. I debated on if I should tell them or not but they seemed to be trusting people. They did save me after all and brought me to their home.

"I was running away. My dad sent me to a school for young girls a little after my mom died because he couldn't handle two kids and feared me rebelling. That's how my teacher explained it anyway. I've been at the school for a little more than two years and have gotten no calls, letters, or visits. It's almost as if I was forgotten." I sighed trying not to cry.

"Hey, it's alright. We know what it's like. In a sense." Sam shrugged. He and the other guy -whose name I now remember is Dean- went on telling me about their life including the supernatural. In the end, they looked at me expecting me to freak out. But I remained calm surprisingly. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to learn more.

"Teach me."

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