Author's note

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Hey there, readers! I understand that any Mega Man fans who read this, may get angry with me. You see, in the original story, Mega Man was a household robot rebuilt to be a combat robot. However in my story I decided to make him a human who survived a terrible accident and gained robotic attachments. You see where that may tick people off?

But I knew that from the beginning. I took that approach to the story because I could. I just got the crazy idea, mostly from seeing Rock more like a teenager than a child. I wanted to take this approach to add my own stupid twist to the story.

I also know that Oil Man and Time Man aren't in the original first game, but I like them, and they balance the first group with the other robot Master groups in the series.

I don't know if people would actually be interested, but I want to make a series of these books, adding my own twist to what happens to the robot Masters Wily actually builds himself.

I'll probably start on the next book soon, however I'll at least draw my own cover art for it.

Sincerely, Foximator.

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