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The screen continued to glitch and show static, before a strange silhouette appeared on the screen, followed by terrifying maniacal laughter. Then the screen stopped glitching to reveal Dr. Albert Wily still laughing. "Citizens of Capital City!" Said Wily, "you're probably wondering why I'm taking control of every television in the city to deliver an important message. Well wonder no more! I, the brilliant scientist Dr. Albert Wily, have decided to take over the entire world, starting with Capital City!" Everyone couldn't believe it. Surely he couldn't be serious! Dr. Light was in the biggest state of shock from this news.

"Now now," said Wily, "no need to get excited just yet, there's more! I've spent the last month building an unstoppable army of loyal minions to aid in my plans... However I just so happen to not have any generals to lead them. If you're listening, Dr. Light, then I'm happy to inform you that I've decided to steal your precious Robot Masters to lead them! Don't you even try to stop me!"

Without warning, a large group of robots followed by a strange floating pod blasted into the room, attacking everything in sight. The Robot Masters stepped up to defend the crowd of civilians, only for Albert to appear from his odd aircraft and stun each one with some kind of taser gun, and having his minions carry them off. Many law enforcement robots were sent in to try and stop the madman, only to get destroyed as he flew off, his pod making an annoying sound as he flew through the night sky.

(A week later)

Light was absolutely devastated, not only had one of his sons been destroyed, but now his newest additions to the family had been stolen, and obviously used for the wrong purpose. Even worse, the one scientist he considered his best friend was behind this madness. Wily had reprogrammed the robot Masters to cloud their minds, and instructed each of them to take major resources hostage. Either Capital City would bend to Wily's will, or have their resources destroyed.

Light was unsure what to do, had it not been for Wily's insane speech, then he would surely have been blamed. His robots were such kind and caring souls, but now Wily's tampering had clouded their minds, making them do things they normally would never even dream of doing.

Rock and Roll couldn't stand to see Dr. Light like this. With each passing day, the news would report about Wily and the latest crime he used the robot Masters to commit. The police robots were completely unable to stop them, as Wily's smaller minion robots would blast them to bits before they even came close to Wily or a robot Master. All seemed lost, all seemed hopeless.

But then, a strong sense of justice, and making things right sparked inside of Rock. And with each passing day, he grew more and more fired up, until one day, he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Dr. Light, I'll stop them! I'll bring that madman to justice!"

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